Pırıl pırıl bir deniz ve plaj temiz bir hava


Hi @Senolaltun

Thank you for sharing a picture of a clean and clear sea.

Nice picture.

Can you tell me where you took this picture ?

Are you on vacation, or at rest after work ?

And what use are you taking this picture, with a DSLR camera, compact camera, or just using a cellular phone camera ?

It will be very interesting if you tell it.


Hi again @Senolaltun ,

When posting a new topic here on Connect, please do make sure your post is as descriptive as possible so others know what they are clicking on. Feel free to look around Connect to see what others usually share for some inspiration.

One final thing, I removed once again the language tag from your post as it isn’t written in Russian and this may confuse people who are looking for publications in this specific language.


Hello @Senolaltun

Beautiful picture! Thank you for sharing! Could you tell us about shooting place?

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14 helpful tips for using Connect

How do I write a post on Connect

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Burası izmir menderese baglı özdere beldesi şirin sakin bir ilçe küçük motelleri ve dünyaca ünlü satsuma mandlini burada yetişir denizi pırıl pırıl mavi bayraklıdır.ben bu fotoları kaliteli bir smart phone ile çektim diğer 360 derece cekimleri özel kameram ile cektim



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