Pic N°2 "Argentina from different cameras"

Hello again!

This is the second of a series of post with images from my country Argentina as i explained in my last publication. Today i’m bringing you a pic that i took last year in the shore and tourist city of Mar del Plata. This city is located in the southeast of the Buenos Aires Province next to the Argentinean Sea. It’s the second major tourist city and the more populated shore city of the country. Every summer their long beaches get packed with a lot of people that came from differents parts of the country, most of them from the Buenos Aires City. The downtown has very good offer of entertainment with multiple theaters, museums, shopping galleries, restaurants and bars. It’s the hometown of the famous brand Havanna that make “Alfajores” (it’s a stuffed sweet cookie covered with chocolate or powdered sugar, soo delicious, if you have the opportunity to try it, you should :)). Another thing that i liked of this city is their coastal road, perfect to do some excercise, breathe some fresh air or just gather with friends.The port of the city is perfect to buy/eat some fresh fish or you can go to see the funny and bigs sea wolfs in the shore. And finally what makes this city so frequented by tourists is the aerial, train and road connection with the City of Buenos Aires, all different alternatives for different budgets. So if you are going to visit Argentina and you would like to know more of the big Buenos Aires Province you should go to Mar del Plata for sure.

This photo i took it last year during a walk in the beach with my family. I had the sun in front of me and i forgot to switch on the HDR mode so the original photo is more brighter and with less details but using a filter from Adobe Photoshop Express i could give it a nice effect.

Camera: Huawei P8 Year: 2018 #FilterYes

That’s all i hope you liked it and till the next post :slight_smile:

Pd: Have you ever been in Argentina? if yes, what city did you visit? Tell me in the comments below.

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