Pic by night

donnez une note sur 10 pour cette photo magnifique, département de JIJEL de nuit , pris par un pixela3 Google


Hello @Myazid ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us. Seems like the perfect spot to spend some time among friends during a hot summer night! Do you often go there? Is this a famous destination among locals?

In case you are interested in night photography, you might like reading the following article.

Since this is your first post, please take some time to read the following article which will help you in the Community: How to choose a topic for your Connect post.

You can always introduce yourself and get to know other Local Guides via our monthly topic Introduce Yourself - January 2021.


beautiful @Myazid


Thanks for sharing this beautiful pic @Myazid !

Thanks for pointing this useful post about night photos @BorrisS !

I had never seen it.


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Merci de votre passage, et j’espère que ce poste donneras un élan à la photographie de nuits


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Thank you for sharing a panoramic view of the place by night.

I have always found night photography both fascinating and challenging.

Congratulations on posting your first article @Myazid and a warm welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect :pray:
Additionally, I would also suggest changing the setting to display the picture in a larger size - that would look awesome.

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You are welcome @Myazid , please remember a useful tip to communicate with the other Local Guides here on Connect.

When you reply a comment or a post be sure to tag the person your are writing -Example @SebaasC - so then that person knows that you are referring to him or her through a notice that comes and it is easier to communicate.

Hope this helps you!

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I didn’t see your useful post @TusharSuradkar , thanks for pointing it.

Sometimes is impossible for me to cover all the posts on Connect .

That’s an amazing night photo @Myazid , thank you for sharing. The Pixel 3 does have amazing night-time photo capability.

Caption: A night photo of Southbank Melbourne taken on Pixel 3 @AdamGT )

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