One of the most important temples in Thailand. Very beautiful and a sacred place. The big problem today is the lack of respect from tourists. Many speak loudly and do not dress properly.
How can I blame you @Anigouveia !
Even here in Italy rudeness reigns supreme, especially in sacred places.
We hope that the situation will change, as LocalGuides we can teach others to respect the traditions and religions of others!
Hi @Anigouveia
Welcome to Local Guides Connect!
Yes, It is very popular in Chiang Mai. Thank you for sharing this place with us. Is it your first visit there? What are the places you have visited? I was sure that you will like my country. There are many places which you can visit and a lot of activities to do around.
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Olá @Aruni Obrigada pelo comentário e pela dica. Já estive em Chiang Mai, por 3 vezes. Gosto muito dessa cidade e de seu povo. É um lugar agradável, com bons hotéis e restaurantes. Eu gostei muito do festival das flores e amei o Festival das Lanternas. Foi um momento muito emocionante para mim.
Espero poder voltar.