I have same problems with My photo. My main content are museums, gallery, old church, historical field. I really don’t understend why my photos are deleted or not published. I have only information that, my photo are not comply with the rules. But it is not justification ( in meaning DSA regulation). Could You help me with this problems.
Your profile is set to restricted. If you want help to spot what could be the cause, you need to change your privacy setting as explained here temporarily. It can also be done from a Desktop computer. Goto Your contributions, then Profile settings, then toggle Restricted profile.
Also, please let me know if you live in the EU or outside.
so if we do this it will not delete our posted photos but, we can delete them from our devices to save storage and they will remain on the google maps. Have I got it correctly.
I live in Poland (EU area). I have the same settings, by all the time when I use google maps and share my post with opinions and photos. But, the last time My photos was blocked - for example Galleria Ufizzi in Florence.
Tell me, which concret settings i have to change, to help Me?
No. I share the post with My opinion and photos. And after few mounths this post is not published ( notice: not pubblic, with comment, that my post break the rule. Sometimes it is possible to lodge an appeal and in this cases always my appeal are accepted. But in more cases it is no possible.
Please follow the link I shared above to learn how to make your profile unrestricted. It is not difficult. And the chance will not ensure your reviews to go public, it will just allow me to see your reviews and photos to spot if you are violating some guidelines. After you can restrict your profile again.
Please make a test to see if you remove the photos attached to a review if the review then goes public.
It would be very helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply. Just hitting Reply does not ensure we get notified by email.
It would be very helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply. Just hitting Reply does not ensure we get notified by email.
I have been a google local guide for a long time. I have never had such a case. All my uploaded pictures and videos in the last month have 0 views. can you tell me why?