PhotoWalk Journey Karachi

PhotoWalk Journey Karachi


Quaidabad, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan

April 29, 2018 @ 10:00 (PKT)

Hi Local Guides, I feel there are not enough photos of vicinity areas of Karachi on Google Maps. So, i have planned for an event on Sunday (April 26, 2018). We will meet up at QuaidAbad-Malir and start our Photo-Journey towards Steel Town and add some beautiful pictures on Google Maps so that people not only feel easy in travelling there but also enjoy our latest pictures. The plan will be as follows: Date: April 29, 2018 (Sunday) Time: 10:00 AM (PST) Place: QuaidAbad-Malir, Karachi Please bring your cameras/cellphones to capture the beauty of our areas. Let’s meet-up, Rashid Uz Zaman

RSVP here

@RashidUz best wishes for your Meet-Up, Hi Karachi Local Guides fellows @user_not_found @Bilal_shaikh @ZeeshanAKhan @Aswadqazi @JunaidKamal @SyedFaizanA join this Meet-Up

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