Photowalk at the Nairobi National Museum on June 8th, 2019

Photowalk at Nairobi National Museum

Nairobi National Museum

Kipande Rd, Nairobi, Kenya

June 08, 2019 @ 08:30 (EAT)

The Nairobi National Museum will be hosting the 7th International Cultural Festival and I thought this would be a fun way to share with each other the importance of adding good quality photos and videos on maps because we will a chance to capture different historical pieces of art, showcase different traditions and food.

My motivation behind this meet up is that we will grow as a community and learn how to take photos and videos that highlight the following topics.

  1. How to guide for accessibility
  2. How to guide for families with Kids
  3. How to guide for health and fitness
  4. How to be a Street View trusted photographer while also being a Local Guide
  5. How uploading duplicate photos could result to you being removed from the local guide programme
  6. How to use Google photos to generate cool animations, movies and edit your photos within minutes

Please RSVP here if you will be available on 8th June. Entry to the festival is absolutely free, and all you have to carry is your camera, phone or a powerbank.











My wishes for your photo walk meet-up on 08 th June.

**Thanks for sharing @ahadilugo **


@Selvamani_R thank you so much and you are welcomed to join us if there is a chance you will be in Nairobi by then.


Awesome picture of the People in that area.

Looking forward to visit there sometime.

Beautiful, thanks for sharing.


@ahadilugo nice! thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing your Photowalk at Nairobi Museum @ahadilugo .


@Tessa2 @smaloba you can RSVP here, thank you so much for accepting the invitation. Am thrilled to meet you and have a great time guiding. Please feel to share the invite to others.

We also have a local guide facebook page for Kenya and you can click on this link to join.

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@Selvamani_R thank you my friend for such encouraging words. I am hoping for the best too.

@Annclass61 we will have a blast at the international cultural festival as we learn to take photos and videos, I wish you could join us. We would have tried to be good hosts.

I have feeling this is gonna be an incredible experience, I always wanted to visit this Museum but didn’t get the right time/moment to.

Thanks @ahadilugo for offering to host it. See you there!

I will surely share the meet up and hope to see you then​:sunglasses::grin::hugs::star_struck:

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@Tessa2 you are such a gem, and thanks for joining the fb group now communicating will be much easier. I will initiate a chat for us.

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Hi friends, I noticed some of you had post on connect that you were looking for a meetup or a community that’s why I tagged you here to personally invite you to this photo walk meetup. It will be a great way to make new friends.

We also have a local guide group on Facebook and a couple of members have joined here is a link so that you can join as well.

@Wahome @Kings001 @clffkimani @keya254 @Kenyan_Expert @kelx @iamkyeva @DavidSvarrer @Akoth

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@ahadilugo Sounds like a plan and thank you for letting me know Looking forward to meet-up with other guides in the Nairobi Area.

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Also it would be best if we would come up with a whatsApp group, I believe it would be more convenient!

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I will attend

@WaweruM thank you so much the support it truly means alot especially coming from you.

Thanks for reaching out. @ahadilugo . Am so excited for the walk onSAT, JUN 8 AT 8:30 AM

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Wow!!so amazing opportunity to utilize and share the experience… can’t be left out!

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@Wahome good morning buddy. Am setting up a WhatsApp group for our event this coming Saturday, I hope you are still coming because am excited to see you please share with me your phone number by sending me a private message here. Thank you so much and looking forward to see you.