Very interesting @BudiFXW , but still i can’t leave my job,i hope i can join your next meet-ups at weekend
No problem @Nyainurjanah .
Hope someday you will arange a meet up in Sukabumi so I can joint your meet up.
Ita okay before or after you arw attending Connect Live 2019.
Success with your job.
Kebayang seru nih, babang jepret lari, siap moto jogging ya miftah
Cool. I hooe I can join you at that amazing event. See you there oom @BudiFXW
Thank you @Lucii .
See you there.
Seru. Bakal seru banhet.
Ada 33 komunitas buka booth disana.
Sampai ketemu ya.
Salam takzim. Saya ingin ikut, tapi sepertinya ada kegiatan lain yang sudah direncanakan. Kalau sempat, bisa diatur, saya usahakan. Tapi sepertinya sulit. Semoga sukses. Jaya selalu.
Maaf pak belum bisa datang dan ikut kontribusi. Pasti acaranya menarik sekali. Belum pernah datang ke GBK juga
Sorry for the inconvenience for Local Guides who can not fullfill the RSVP and texting me :
Due to limited numbers of participant and the participant on RSVP are already reached.
so sorry.
So RSVP is closed.
To those who are still interested can joint my next meet up at 4th October 2019 in the same place for Map Editing and check the amphitheater that can be use and the capacity of the amphitheater
I still prepared to register the meet up ii this
@Yulialabelle bener banget karena saya akan bawa dua baterai kamera dan memori yang cukup besar untuk memotret kegiatan meetup kali ini
I am here but I can find the meet up
Sorry @BudiFXW
Yes pak @Mukroni . I should lead the group punctual, lucky for us that youcan catch up us when we do photowalk soround the stadium.
Thank you for cimming to the meet up.