Photowalk at GBK, Jakarta

Photowalk at GBK, Jakarta

Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium

Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan, Gelora, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10270, Indonesia

September 29, 2019 @ 16:00 (WIB)

Gelora Bung Karno Stadium is the biggest stadium in Indonesia and have been held Asia & Africa Sports event and many national movement have been held here. Bung Karno is the nickname of Ir Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia.whom the initiator of this gigantic sport area. This huge stadium and many sport court in the suround area are good places to take pictures, such as pedestrian, outdoor architecture, landmarks and many others details. It will be a long walk with an apparent fair weather, kit up on your walking sneakers , t-shirt confortable backpacks and tumblr, we’ll surely have fun on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. This is a good place for Local Guides meet ups, since this place now are easily reach using public transportation or online taxi, for those who riding bike or bring your own car, there are huge parking area ready and safety. Pleasee come with fully charged phones, camera and power banks. Please be punctual since we should wear special pass using name tag and lanyard for no charged ticket that will be given in the meet up, . Meetup rundown 15.55- 16.00 Meet up point @ Gate Plaza Timur B 16.00 - 16.05 Distribute name tag , wefie photos 16.05 - 16.10 Brief route that will be taken & walk in a pack 16.10 - 17.20 Walk & take photos with clockwise routes around stadium ISTORA, outdoor sports, Skate Park, Archery, tennis courts & exhibitions around the stadium 17.00 - 17.00 De Brief and Evaluation of the Photowalk 17.00 Finish the Photowalk

RSVP here

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry for the inconvenience for Local Guides who can not fullfill the RSVP and texting me :

Due to limited numbers of participant and the participant on RSVP are already reached.

so sorry.

So RSVP is closed.

To those who are still interested can joint my next meet up at 4th October 2019 in the same place for Map Editing and check the amphitheater that can be use and the capacity of the amphitheater

I still prepared to register the meet up ii this www.localguidesconnect.cpm



Hi @BudiFXW ,

I hope many people will join you for this great Photo walk in Jakarta on the 28th of September!

Here you can see some tips on How to write a great recap after your meet-up.

Here you can find Local Guide stickers for Local Guides :slight_smile: You can easily find them when you scroll down the Meet-ups how-to page.

Good luck to everyone who will join you!


Thank you @KatyaL .

The links that you give me very helpful to make preparation to the photowalks meetup.

Thank you.


colek yang punya kawasan lelarian di GBK #GBKCalling @ragatara , mumpung lagi ada meetup Local Guides di sekitaran GBK hehehehe


Thank you bro @360bymiftah .

Thank you for your fully support.

@ragatara , please come and joint with us.


#GBKComing untuk belajar dan silaturahmi dengan para mastah


Siap. Selamat bergabung @achev .

Jangan lupa klik RSVP diatas untuk dicatat kehadirannya.

Sampai ketemu di GBK. Kita bakal ketemu banyak komunitas nanti. Bakal menjadi pengalaman yang tidak terlipakan.

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Semoga acara nya berjalan dengan lancar ya Om Budy,

Mohon maav gak bisa join, tanggal 28-29 acara juga soalnya.

Sukses terus buat Indonesia Local Guides.


Sampai ketemu di GBK… excited to coming… pertama Kali ikut meet up sebesar ini, sudah terbayang akan seru ya.


Acara yang menarik, Semoga berjalan dengan baik, maaf belum bisa join, semoga kedepannya bisa bergabung.

Thanks for sharing @BudiFXW


Thank you for your support @Munawar951 .

Yes, even we live in Indonesia it took long hours by plane from Aceh region where you live to Jakarta.

Hope someday we will meet.


Thank you @RivallC for your support.

No problem if you can not joint this meet up. Hope next day we can meet in real life.

I will make a Recap as soon as the meetup been realized.

Thank you.

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Yes. @DeeDesty .

You are right.

In the same area will be held hundreds community meet up in the same place. We will meet many kind of communities and volunteers.

See you there.

Please do not forget to make RSVP by klick the link in my post.


Wow mr @BudiFXW very nice, photowalk at the biggest stadium in Indonesia,legend stadium.

My experience here 5 years ago, attended mayday 1st may 2014,and 2019 i think this stadium change a lot, more bigger, more beautiful!


Have fun at the photowalk. Lots of power to Budi for organizing. Take more pics for Crowdsource, Share Your World campaign too!


Yes i very hopefully


Absolutely right @Nyainurjanah .

It totally renovated for Asian Games last year.

There are many many places that we can take.

Hope you can joint this meet up.


Already make RSVP @BudiFXW see you there


Yes. @Reshmareshu .

I will.share the happiness of being a Local Guides by organizing this meet up.

There will be hundreds pitures that I can took in this event.

Thank you for your support.

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Wow, it must ve a big event, wish could be there, exploring the stadion. Good luck for this event!