Hi everyone!
I have added many photos to multiple locations in Google maps from my laptop earlier today.
When I checked on my phone, I see all of them have been uploaded under the same location, which is obviously wrong.
Is there any way to fix this? I hope I don’t need to delete all and redo all again to potentially find out it’s wrong again
Welcome to the connect @Lulu . Is the place Hexi Bridge you talking about? I too have experienced same when I edited new places which are near and uploaded different images to each one. But after some time, every buisnesses I edited to the maps have all same photos. I hope @ErmesT have a solution for this!
Hello @Lulu and welcome at the Local Guides Connect community!
It has been reported before (see here for example) and happened to me too. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any solution besides deleting the photos from the wrong listing and upload again to the correct one.
I don’t remember, whether refreshing or closing the browser before posting the the second place did help, but would be worth a try.
What I did learn from this, is to check always My Contributions, after uploading to one place and wait until seeing the photos under the correct listing, before proceeding to the next one.
Doing so has another helpful effect:
One in a while the SPAM filter rejects a photo right away. For places in Europe, the photos are flagged under My Contributions and I can delete immediately. For other places it doesn’t take too much time to click on the listing and wait till the photo appears under the By Me tab.
I noticed this error for the first time last summer, and it hasn’t been fixed since: If I search for a location, then upload a photo, then select a second location and upload another photo, the second photo appears at the first location. This occurs on my Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC. Workaround: After each photo upload, search for the next location and then refresh the browser. Then the next photo upload will be correctly assigned to the location searched for. This is annoying and inconvenient, but it works.
@Lulu - I’ve been able to consistently work around this by hitting refresh once on the new location or business. You’ll see the name of the target business change in the upload window. Don’t upload until that name matches the intended business. It’s a tiny bit tedious, but once you get used to checking, you can avoid it (unless you’re tired like me and don’t think )
Hello @Lulu,
coincidently the same happened again to me. I should have know, but didn’t remember before uploading to the second place. After I deleted the photos from the wrong listing, closed the browser (Firefox), opened it, searched the second place and uploaded again. This time, it was correct.