Photos not showing


I have uploaded about 20.000 photo’s untill someone has flagged my account and i was suddenly banned (mapping all busstops in 360 degrees and i had reused some pictures at a busstation when stops at the same place were used by multiple operators, so multiple stops on the same place).
After an apeal i was getting my Local Guides Account back, but now pictures are not showing.

For example see screenshot underneath, when you’re going to the page you won’t see the picture:,+Zuidbroeksemolen/@51.9284703,4.7141303,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m11!1m5!8m4!1e2!2s101595214713652342692!3m1!1e1!3m4!1s0x47c5d4cadfb75e79:0x9b6d097f332b6976!8m2!3d51.928467!4d4.716319

But when opening contributions, the picture is visible:,4.716319,3a,75y,180h,89.7t,0.7r/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipOWZHJ9BLgCgbRx4w8nn8IU7Vs-pq5mK6ACOrwq!2e10!!7i5376!8i2688!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

And in my account pictures are visible as well…

Does anyone know what is going wrong?


Hi @Ronniemeerbeek , I hope that you are doing well, and I’m sorry to hear about it. In general, it may take 24 hours to a photo be showed up on the place (even if it’s been shown on your contribution page). However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your contribution may be delayed. A warning has been showing up on Google Maps app since it started. You can also read more about it in this article: UPDATED: Temporary product changes in Google Maps

Greetings from Brazil!

Hello @Ronniemeerbeek

When any of the contributions become private, that will not be visible.

Bus stops etc are part of the transport layer. A local guide is not expected to add that. Even if that appears for some duration, that will get purged once the official information materialises on Maps.


The weird thing is that photos are shown under new pictures, but not on the pages. I should make that clear. But it started after the bann; so that’s was the reason i asked. Maybe tag a mod :see_no_evil:

Its every picture, not only the transport hubs. In Holland the transport hubs has been fogotten by the Guides. The ones which got the photos got huges hits.

Picture approved, but not visable;;;

Texaco Bergambacht
Provincialeweg 7, 2861 EB Bergambacht

Hi @Ronniemeerbeek

What you describe here is what I also experience. Newly uploaded photos show up in our own photo contribution list and in recent pics for the city or area. But they don’t show up on the places. Currently, I’m experiencing a delay of about a month. And I’m still waiting for pics to begin showing up on the places’ pages. We have been informed that things have started returning to normal, but not around here! See UPDATED: Temporary product changes in Google Maps.

This observation is relevant for new uploads and not for your lost pics. I believe.


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Hi @C_T

I respectfully would like to challenge your statement about Local Guides should not upload pics to bus stops and other places “on the transit layer”. The possibility to upload pics to these places would not be there if you were right. Also, what should be the rationale be for not having pics on bus stops? References would be great to see.


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This is one of the accepted solutions @MortenCopenhagen

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Sorry @C_T

But editing and adding photos are different. The post you linked to is related to editing. I completely agree with you on that. But extending that to adding photos is stretching it too far in my opinion.

Still the mere fact that these POIs allow uploading of pics speaks volumes.


Once the bus stop becomes a part of the transport layer, that becomes inaccessible @MortenCopenhagen .

I remember a similar case from Japan where the user was complaining about the disappearance of all the added bus stops and related photos.

That’s why I didn’t say can’t but is not expected to. The moment official data steps in, the earlier work does not remain relevant.


Hi @C_T

The difference might be that I live in an area where all bus stops and public transport pins are and have been for a long time “claimed” by the transport authorities with live data feeds etc. And while your notion that photos should not be added to “unclaimed” traffic POIs might be true it is certainly not the case for claimed traffic POIs around here. We are very welcome to add photos to these places. And they remain visible.

You need to tap “More” before the photo tab becomes available. And there is always an “Add your photos” option.

So I can assure you that your statement “Local guides should not add photos to bus stops” is not valid around here.


Hello @MortenCopenhagen

Again I am correcting. I did not say should not, but suggested refraining from that.

If the bus stop POI permits to add photos that’s a bounty.

Hallo @Ronniemeerbeek altijd leuk om nog andere Nederlandstalige local guides hier te treffen :slightly_smiling_face:

Your experience with the newly uploaded pictures is most likely linked to the Covid-19 measures. I also have the experience that my new uploads are not showing up on the POI itself, but do get shown in the Explore section showing new pics of the area (and were getting quite a lot of views due to this). However, since a couple of days, this is also no longer the case: the most recent pics in the ‘new uploads’ section of my local area are now 1 month old (and the view count of my recently added pics has also stopped increasing).


@JanVanHaver you’re right about the view count and even reviews are not showing due to covid-19 situation. Some pictures were showing on april 9, but end of week it stop again. I did research and here’s what I found out. Depending on what area you’re at, if the business listed as (temporary closed) you’re pictures and review will not show. However, if the business is not temporary closed you will need to look at the business (All picture) box to see if the five count picture slide show is showing latest. If it does your can post pictures and it will be live. That’s the only way around it for now until pandemic is lifted.

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I have tested it out.

I have added a 360 degree picture to a shop in Georgia which didnt have the COVID flag. It uploaded the picture.’+Donuts/@42.1807991,42.4645094,18.25z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x405cf7511fb61a65:0xa5a3d1cd02de801a!2sDavid+the+Builder+Kutaisi+International+Airport!8m2!3d42.1820693!4d42.4656021!3m4!1s0x405cf74c848bb413:0x2efa95f65bdc60e!8m2!3d42.1805722!4d42.465291

I added a 360 and normal picture to a Dutch place which was active (New York Pizza) and it works:,5.0562478,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipN7zYwsKKt53qS-PutFCJg_9uuGQ_QtHFCp45yW!2e10!3e12!!7i1908!8i4032!4m7!3m6!1s0x47c664bd393c3c9b:0x71e7b482b4a39a0a!8m2!3d52.0138916!4d5.056074!14m1!1BCgIgARICEAM

I added a picture to a busstop and it was accepted, but not showing:,+Industrieweg/@51.9843713,4.9723243,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c67c92359e70b1:0xd13dd40aeba1d509!8m2!3d51.984368!4d4.974513

Same for (new) pictures of the fuel station:,4.7804246,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPoC7DoO0IYg1PKPTvvSWsQZqqNJjx7f66oNAd3!2e10!3e12!!7i4608!8i2184!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x47c67c92359e70b1:0xd13dd40aeba1d509!2sLopik,+Industrieweg!8m2!3d51.984368!4d4.974513!3m4!1s0x0:0xb500150a0e8408e!8m2!3d51.9299509!4d4.780426

Is not showing; but the picture is online:,4.7802863,3a,75y,45h,76.9t,358.7r/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipN3LLnkLl7KiRmbJsj1_Xpi8EyoUffgP87oQfbF!2e10!!7i5376!8i2688!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

So it seems to be “vital places” arnt getting updates and not account related.

In Holland the “busstop data” is coming from the API data of the operators. All the operators got there own stop. In some cases there were five stops at the same location. Google have “bundled” the stops last month at the biggest hubs; this was the old situation: (this is the live feed from the transport company’s).

It was for me the reason to get banned when i added the same pictures to the different stops at the same places. It was happening here, were the old situation is still alive when you have zoomed enough:,5.2591643,19.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c65d48c27711b7:0x5a32169f494db63e!8m2!3d52.0653348!4d5.2602598

Here every stop and operator have his own busstop. Moderation (to bundle) was indeed not allowed and using the same photos either.

But abroad photo’s to bus (or in this case undergroundstops) could be added:,44.8408914,3a,75y,100h,110t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOE-wzO81LK-9zQfd2bv9ia7sgBBGBhJy7wgmZ8!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688!4m14!1m6!3m5!1s0x40440c51516b45a3:0xff4966ba789fbc41!2s300+Aragveli!8m2!3d41.68791!4d44.82752!3m6!1s0x40440c4cd1866375:0xf47ce8985fcc5cbc!8m2!3d41.6865501!4d44.8408914!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI

Eindhoven Airport is no problem as well:,5.3784302,3a,75y,320h,110t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMomD7Ud9o1e6sampS3PL-NfgLaRNJRoUoo7tZq!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688!4m7!3m6!1s0x47c6db0ba3a1c70f:0x8ef54895f717233a!8m2!3d51.4504596!4d5.3784335!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI

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