Photo walk in Lantana, FL

Photo walk in Lantana, FL

6594 Lantana Rd

6594 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33467, USA

January 06, 2019 @ 10:00 (EST)

Let’s share tips about taking pictures/ making movies of various landmarks in Southern Florida. I will use my unicycle as usual, but you can be on your feet, your bicycle, your hoverboard, your wheelchair or anything you can think of and we’ll go take pictures as long as we have fun with it. Hopefully we’ll discover unexpected gems in the city environment. The wallk/ride will start from the parking lot at 6594 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33467 around 10:15.

RSVP here


Hi @Herve_Andrieu ,

Thanks for your initiative and organising this meet-up. Have fun taking the photos and please don’t forget to share a recap on Connect afterwards.

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@Herve_Andrieu Hey, just posting out of interest. It looks like a fun walk. Hoping it goes well. Be cool

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Oh, without to wait a second I gave a kudo to your meet up, because the car is so beautiful colorful … :wink:

@Herve_Andrieu have a great meet up!


Unfortunately the photo-walk didn’t attract any other guide interested in participating. I didn’t do any social media pushing of the even which may be a reason, but I believe a more important reason is the lack of notification tools regarding Google Guides Meet Up, we would clearly need:

  • easy access to a Google Map displaying the coming Meet Up events in the coming 30 days. We are working on Maps, so can we see on a map what’s going to be happening in the near future?

  • email notifications of Meet Up within a given radius (5-25-50-100-250 miles). Google has access to this information, so why not try to mobilize its volunteers to meet and improve together?

Anyway, I worked on that photo-ride alone, collected over 1,000 pictures, 360-pictures and videos, uploaded everything to Google Maps, many first pictures for businesses, half a dozen additions, 2 dozen corrections, all in all a quite fruitful Google Maps day.

In case you want to check it out, the album:

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Hi @Herve_Andrieu ,

Sorry to hear that others didn’t join you on this meet-up. However, we have other great examples of Local Guides who still had their meet-ups despite being the only attendant. And they shared wonderful recaps with us!

You have indeed had a fruitful walk, thanks for the time and efforts you dedicate to adding valuable information to Google Maps. :slight_smile:

As for the lack of notification tools about meet-ups, feel free to share your two ideas in the Idea Exchange. Make sure to post them as separate posts, so that other Local Guides can vote for their favourite(s). Popular ideas will be taken into consideration by Googlers.

You can check out the How do I use the Idea Exchange? article for more information.


Sharing a screenshot of the map showing most of the work of the week end.

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@DeniGu , thanks for the feedback and advice. I shared on these subjects with the rest of the community and we’ll see.

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This is quite impressive, @Herve_Andrieu ! Thank you for sharing. :slight_smile:

Feel free to share any ideas you might have regarding the Local Guides program and Google Maps in the Idea Exchange.