Photo view count not working

just got my Novice Photographer badge, and some of my photos have already racked up hundreds of views. But Google is showing 0/100,000 views towards the next badge even though I’ve got close to 2,000 views on the photos view. Question: Is that to be expected? When are the views on the badge screen updated?

Can moderator please assist me on this issues?

@KatyaL , @MortenSI , @RadieN , @Aruni , @VitB , @MoniV , @LilyanaZ , @BorrisS , @PoliMC and @Giu_DiB


Ciao @Alvin3 , é capitato anche a me , qualche mese fa . Tranquillo é il sistema che a volte impiega un po di tempo ad aggiornarsci . Tutto torna come prima . Nel frattempo le visualizzazioni che hai di ciascuna foto , continuano ad aggiornarsci . Noterai poi , che il numero di visualizzazioni quando si.aggiorna , si aggiorna con le visualizzazioni che non stai vedendo.


Hi @Alvin3 ,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your concern with us!

I would like to advise you to allow some time, so that your photos views counting gets synced. Thanks for your patience.


Hello @Alvin3

Please wait sometimes, may it will be fixed automatically. In general, It can take a few days to solve this issue properly.

Thanks for posting here, Have a great time with your friends and family.

Happy Guiding.