Phander lake

All photos are taken by my mobile

I you are reading first time my post you can see links of all my posts of this tour at the End of this post

If you have read my previous episodes of Phander valley I hope you all must enjoy my travel story, it is the last episode of Phander valley, we hiked through a Dreamland from Dream Island camping site to Phander lake during this hike a lot of people invited us in their houses and we enjoyed a lot their hospitality in that area no doubt this village is like a fairytale.

After seeing my photos I also couldn’t believe I have seen this valley in person when we reached at Phander lake we saw it was almost sunset so we found a chance to see Golden moments at that place every thing was Golden The mountains and even PTDC Motel was also looking Golden which was looking very beautiful.

The most amazing things that we have seen a lot of colours of this lake we saw this lake from different angles and from all angles we saw different colours of reflections all these pictures are same day and same time so you also can see the different reflections and colours of water at the same time at the same water of one day accept one photo which was taken from height, I think it is most amazing thing which I have witnessed there.

This lake is almost 900 M long , width of this lake is about 460 M its area is almost 16 hacker and it is about to 44 meters (144 ft) deep and the altitude of this lake is about 11900 ft,This lake makes with Gilgit river when we reached there it was almost sunset and a track surrounds all the lake and I wished to complete this track with my kids but we were getting late because we have to hike almost one hour to return back to our camping site so I have decided not to complete this trek.

This lake was the end of our tour so we have enjoyed a lot there and my kids also enjoyed trekking there no doubt the most beautiful village of Pakistan and the Phander lake is the most famous tourist point of Phander valley I can say it is the jewel of Phander valley this lake is full of trout fish even I saw two kids which war which were trying to fishing only with their shirts (you can see their video in my last episode Hikking in Dreamland) can you believe, I can’t believe how it is possible that they can catch fish with their shirts please give me feedback how did you find Phander valley thanks a lot after completing our tour in Phander valley .

When we reached back Gilgit there were we have to face a huge landslide so decided to spend two more days and I decided to explore Naltar valley are you ready to see another amazing valley of Pakistan ?

Regards from Pakistan

All episodes of this tour

1- Babusar Pass

2- White water rafting a life time experience

3- Yasin Valley Gilgit

4- Stone age houses still exist in Pakistan

5- Hopper Garden Gahkuch

6- Land of Bridges Ghizer valley

7- Khalti Lake

8- Road to heaven
9- Phander valley complete Guide
10-Hidden beauty of Phander valley
11-Dream Island
12- Bridge to Dream Land
13- Hikking in Dreamland

14- Phander Lake


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ما شاء الله ماهذا الجمال

انا اهنئك أخي على هذه الأماكن الرائعة التي تزورها

وانتا خبير في ألتقاط الصور الجميلة

شكرا لك على هذه المشاركه الرائعه والمفيدة @Muhammad_Usman


Thanks for sharing your photos @Muhammad_Usman

I like the reflections and the mixture of dry and green areas , Phander lake is unique :open_mouth:


Firstly, let me express my happiness to see the message of @_141 :

So divinely worded with excellent appreciation - we too pray for you.

My dear friend, @Muhammad_Usman .,

A wonderful conclusion post - My preference will be 1 & 4 the photos, though all the photos are amazing.

Surely, we are eager to see " Naltar valley of Pakistan" - will be proud to share our feelings.



You are right, LG friend @LaloPadilla

Yes, mirror & symmetry… beautiful shots, my dear @Muhammad_Usman


Amazing photos! looks absolutely beautiful photos no doubt at all. I love to read your post really well presented @Muhammad_Usman

Thank you for sharing your post with us.


وعلیکم السلام ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ شکرا یا اخی

@_141 @thanks a lot my brother for so much beautiful words it’s blessing of God that such beautiful places we own in our country I invite you in Pakistan must visit and see all these places with your eyes I will facilitate you here Inshalla


wow @Muhammad_Usman bhai,

truly great place stunning pic secially shot from mobile hope all in landscape mode which hand set you have used ,all in auto mode or some mannual shot taken if so can you share the iso,shutterspeed and wb,

your son is cute why didnt took a hat for him too.hahaha



Certainly a beautiful landscape @Muhammad_Usman



Thanks a lot my dear @LaloPadilla @ for your apreciation yes you are write the reflections and colours were amazingThe most amazing things that we have seen a lot of colours of this lake we saw this lake from different angles and from all angles we saw different colours of reflections all these pictures are same day and same time


@Muhammad_Usman bhai, you amaze me everytime , in every of your post by your unbelievable Photographs. And now you are telling that these photos were taken by your cell phone :hushed:

Totally outstanding post with incredible photos. Whenever I will visit Phander Valley it will be just because of yours outstanding posts.

Keep inspiring us bhai.

Shukriya, :pray:


Once again great photos @Muhammad_Usman You make the landscape look more beautiful than it already is.


Without doubt ,this lake and this place is wonderful and your photos are amazing @Muhammad_Usman

The mountains are incredibly golden colour!

It is unique!

Is it place under the protection the government?

Is it place a part of National Park?

Are you going to write about hotel in this place?

Thank you for sharing this post and photos!

Have a nice week.


After reading all your posts as well as seeing the beautiful photos in them, my curiosity to see this place has really increased @Muhammad_Usman . The reflection of mountains and clouds on the lake is creating a wonderful view.

Again thanks for sharing this great post series with us.


شكرا لك على هذا الترحيب @TravellerG


اخي العزيز هذا واجبي

وانت خبير في هذا المجال مجال التصوير ما شاء الله

أتمنى أن أزور باكستان لمشاهدة هذه الأماكن الجميلة ومقابلة الناس الطيبين مثلك

ولكنني لا أتخيل أنني قادر على زيارة اي بلد

شكرا لك اخي مرة ثانية @Muhammad_Usman


Seeing so many beautiful pictures, it seems that there is no place alive.

  • Best Photography
  • Great Color photo
  • Natural view

Hello @Muhammad_Usman my dear.

Looking at your photos, it seems that you have to take training in photography. Can you give me some tips for taking mobile photos?


@TravellerG sir I always inspired with your capability of English language and I always try to learn something from you your appreciation is always matters to me these two pictures are also my most favourite pictures in this place The reflections and colours were amazingThe most amazing things that we have seen a lot of colours of this lake from different angles and we saw different reflections all these pictures are same day and same time except 1 which one shot from height take next morning


This symmetry and mirrors created by God I only shoot this @TravellerG @ thanks a lot for your loving words and also I want to thanks my dear @_141


Thanks for your greetings, @_141
