
Hello dear friends ,

I would like to tell you about one of the “Seven Wonders of Russia” -Peterhof.

In the suburb of St.Petersburg is amazing Museum Complex -Peterhof.This is a recognized “capital of fountains” It is better to visit in summer,because you can see all fountains.

My friends and I were there in vad weather,it was pouring rain and thereforecould not see everything and admire the besutiful fountains.

The sights of Peterhof embodied the work,talent of architects,sculptors,masters of gardening.Peterhof was created by tsar Peter the Great as an Imperial residence. Peter I himself personaly supervised the construction.

The Upper garden covers an area 15 hectares,there are mirror ponds,lime alleys,galleries,sculptures.

In front of the Palace thete is a panorama of Grand Cascade of fountains-a pearl of the Peterhof fountain system.

The cascade is unique in its rich sculptural decor.

The Lower Park covers area 102 hectares.It is his fountains inique sculpture brought the Museum world fame.In my album you can see beautiful fountain “Samson”.

The Center of the Ensemble is

Grand Palace.

Grand Palace was a residence of the Russian Imperators.

You can endlessly admire the magnificent interiors of the Grand Palace.During the Second world war all the beautiful rooms were barbarously destroyed and all rich decor of Palace.But thanks to the titanic work of artists,sculptors,restorets,the interiors of the Palace were recreated.

We walked around Easten part of the park,admired the magnificent fountains, and cascades,Chess Board"," Piramid",“Sun”.

At the end of walk we returned to the big cascades to be photographed and more enjoyed the beauty and majesty of the Ensemble.

My album


Dear friends ,watch my albums

Enjoy the beauty of Peterhof.

Enjoy the brauty of Tsarskoe Selo.


Dear @helga19 ,

I had a lot of pleasure reading this post and your perfect description of this wonderful “capital of fountains” carried my imagination directly in those nice places.

Your photos are perfect, nice details and let me say that the second one showing the Grand Palace with all that colors looks really like a Postcard. Beautiful!!! I would have put as first one :wink::clap::+1:

We discover always amazing places with you. Thank you. My best, Giuseppe


Thank you @Giuseppe75 .

I am glad that you like my post.

The photos would be better ,if the weather was sunny,The day was rainy and cloudy and photos are not so bright. Only in the Grand Palace I can made nice photos.

Peterhof is world famous tourist attrection.

Did you visit St.Petersburg!?

Watch my album.

Have a nice day ,



Hello @helga19 ,

Even if the weather was cloudy you got the best through your photos of these places.

I would love to visit St Petersburg very soon, it is well in my must - visit places around the world👍 (like the beautiful Moscow).

I will look with pleasure at your album later in the day.

Have a good day, Giuseppe


Hi @helga19

I enjoyed reading your post about Peterhof and your photos album is great.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to discover this place near Saint Petersbourg.



Hey @helga19 ,

How are you? Thanks for the great photos and for showing us the beauty of Peterhof! Thanks also for sharing the interesting facts about it. I really liked your album with all the amazing captures there.

I think it would be even better if you include the album in your post. This way everyone can easily see it and enjoy it.


Thanks dear @KatyaL

I am fine,thank you.

Some days ago I returned from Saint Petesburg.We visited many famous tourist attractions.

The weather was sunny for 2 days.,in Peterhof was rainy.

I visited Hemitage,Tsarskoe Selo.

I write two posts sbout my impressions.,and I am going to write more.

This is my album Tsarskoe Selo.,where thr great Russian poet Pushkin studied in Lyseum.

I add link to my album in my post.,thank you .

I am glad that you like my post and my album.

My best wishes,



Thank you @Giuseppe75 for your reply.

I suppose you enjoy my album.

Have a nice day and perfect mood!)


Thank you dear @Julien44

I am glad that you watch my album and like it.

Really,I try to wrire posts about the most intetesting places not only in my country,but all over the world.

Sure,most of all I would like to introduce local guides with culture,traditions and the famous tourist attractions in my country Russia.

Best wishes,



Hey @helga19 ,

Thank you for sharing your photos from Tsarskoe selo. I’m reading your post about it right now. I can’t believe how beautiful it is. Pushkin is one of my favourite authors :slight_smile:


Thank you dear @KatyaL

It is a gteat pleasure to know that my photos liked and I can give more information about famous and interesting places in my country.

I will share the photos about others famous tourist attractions in St.Petetsburg.

Have a nice day.


@helga19 , I liked so much your album and I reccomend to all fellow Local Guides to have a look.

It’s surprising how despite the cloudy weather the Golden decorations reflect an amazing light to the all photos. :+1::ok_hand:


@helga19 very gigantic Palace and your photos is beautiful. And details is useful.

Thanks for sharing


Thank you @Giuseppe75

I am glad that you like my album.

The secret of this beautiful photos is easy-it is great masterpiece of sculpture.The special paint golden colour made all decor shine in any weather.

Such place is worth to visit!)

Welcome to St.Petersburg!)


Thank you so much @Sahilmsk2208 .

Best wishes from Russia.


@helga19 you are welcome.

Russia is really a beautiful country. Will visit it some day.


Lovely post @helga19 and this place is MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE,so posh


Excellent photography and detailed informative post. @helga19

I went Russia 4 time. But I visited Kazan only.

Thanks again for your informative post.



Thank you @Natalia_20-12

It is masterpiece of sculpture and architecture and we can admired the golden decoration of fountain complex.

This plave is worth to visit!

Welcome to St.Petersburg.!