Perilla & Soy source ice cream - #monthlytopic, We love Ice cream🍦🍨🍧

Perilla & Soy sauce ice cream, provided by Kurakubiyori in Morioka, is a really interesting and unique ice cream. As yamamo_cchi said, there are many shops that provide soy sauce ice cream in Japan but a shop that provides perilla & soy sauce ice cream seems to be only here.

That definitely tastes interesting! We can feel the clear soy sauce flavor and the texture is soft. If you know the soy sauce flavor well, you may feel something strange but it will disappear soon. Their combination is not bad, surprisingly. You can change the flavor using additional sauces: There are chestnut, caramel, sakura, and so forth, and they seem to change with the seasons. Enjoy each flavor.

Btw, Kurakubiyori is originally a soy sauce and vinegar shop that was established over 100 years ago. Their soy sauces and vinegars are also great, please try them when you have a chance to go. I’m also a regular.

Topic of this monht:#monthlytopic of June 2021 - We love Ice cream :icecream: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice:


[Japanese] 食楽日和のエゴマ醤油ソフト

盛岡に100年以上前からある浅沼醤油店さんが経営する食楽日和(くらびより) さんではエゴマ醤油ソフトというユニークなアイスクリームを提供しています。醤油ソフトクリーム自体は @yamamo_cchi さんも紹介されているように割とメジャーなようですが、エゴマ入りとなるとこちらだけなのだとか。

独特の風味と自由にかけることができるシロップが売りです。シロップは時期によっても変わるそうなので行く度に新しい味が試せそうですね。ちなみにカップで頼むとアイスの下にはコーンフレークが入ってきます。相性バツグンです :blush: 暑い時期、盛岡にいらした際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。



It is interesting, Sauce soy here is known for food, not with sweet @HiroyukiTakisawa san. I may try it one day to see how it tastes.


@HiroyukiTakisawa さん



1度で何度美味しさを体験できるかワクワク楽しめそう :yum:


@yamamo_cchi さん

どのシロップも単純に美味しい!というものよりなんか面白い!というものが多いように思いました。こういう楽しみ方もいいなあと思いながら当然全種類試しましたよ。ちなみに私は何もかけないのが一番好きでした :rofl:


Congratulations on your post!
Very nice to know about this part of gastronomy and to know that soy sauce ends up being used in sweet products as well.

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@HiroyukiTakisawa Sound very interesting…

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Thank you, @GasparKaren @Niv1234

Yeah, that was so unexpected taste but not bad :blush:


@HiroyukiTakisawa I wish one day I can try that soy sauce ice cream from that shop. After the pandemic, I would love to visit Japan again.

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How interesting and informative. I had never heard of such a thing. I hope one day I can visit Japan and try it. Maybe before then, someone will bring it here to New York.

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I hope so, @sanchipoo @Ant_Bad_Yogi :grin: When you come here, I’ll guide you :wink:


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