buenas noches, he consultado mis puntos desde la última actualización y me han desaparecido un número considerable y eso ha sido gracias a borrar parte de mi historial a través de la eliminación automática.
buenas noches, he consultado mis puntos desde la última actualización y me han desaparecido un número considerable y eso ha sido gracias a borrar parte de mi historial a través de la eliminación automática.
Sorry to hear that @Javier16 , however the best place for your post is i the How-tos section of Connect rather than here in Achievements. You will have greater chance there that someone will be able to help you. You can change the topic of your post yourself and as shown in How to change the Topic of your post it’s simple to do. Good luck with it.
Muchas gracias por la respuesta. Soy nuevo en esto y no tengo claro cómo funciona.
Hola @Javier16
Really the lost of points depends of the setting for Google’s My Activity .
The setting of my activity is influencing your points related to “answer questions”. The question answered are not visible on the profile in Google Maps, but the total amount is shown on “Your contributions”
For more information please read: How do I delete my answers to questions on Google Maps?
If on My Activity your setting is different from this one here below, your answer are automatically deleted and the points not given.
Once you remove the association between your profile and the answer, it is not possible to go back. Google cannot store a backup of the data that you ask to remove, because this would be a violation of the request
Gracias por la respuesta, ha debido de ser eso. En la web pone “Los puntos no caducan, pero puedes perderlos si retiramos contenido porque infringe nuestras políticas.” No entendía pues la perdida tan brutal de puntos de 15.000 puntos de golpe. No sabía que se borraban las respuestas. Bueno, ahora ya me ha quedado claro que no contribuiré más con respuestas.
Hi @Javier16 and welcome to Connect!
Following @AdamGT 's kind note, I am going to move your post to the How-tos area, since this is the place where you can ask your questions related to the program. Please make sure you check How to choose a topic for your Connect post for more information.
I am also going to accept @ErmesT 's comment as a solution to your post, since it gives you detailed guidelines on how to change your preferences so nothing you contribute is lost. Please, check his suggestions carefully and if you set it up as he instructed, you should not be experiencing any point loss, even from answered questions.
A question for you @ErmesT , are those screen shots current? I ask because I thought I’d take a moment and check and on checking the current Google’s My Activity on Windows desktop they appear not to be current. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong area but thought I’d ask.
Gracias por su amabilidad.
You are absolutely right, @AdamGT , thanks for the head up.
Google updated the graphics.
Here’s the new one (on mobile)