

Hi @AungKyawMyint

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Thank you for sharing these photos with us. Is it your first visit there?

What activities can you do around? Can you please add a bit more details about what you share. Sharing more information about what you upload will help others to understand why you are sharing and why they should read your posts.

Since you’re new to the community, you might want to share a bit more about yourself and get to know others in our monthly Introduce Yourself — May 2019 Also, you can read these 14 helpful tips for using Connect, and What are Connect topics?

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Yes,Thank You.

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Hi @AungKyawMyint

I just wanted to let you know that I removed the accepted solution as it doesn’t answer any question or doesn’t solve any issue you might have. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers when searching on the Connect. For more information you can take a look at How do I mark comments as solutions?

Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts (by writing @ before their name). This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.