I travel a lot for work and the most difficult lesson that I’ve had to learn is that it’s okay to pause. It’s not quitting.

It’s not wasting time.

It’s readjusting.

Take a moment to notice what is around you before it is gone.

Since I started trying to apply this more in my life, I have seen more sunrises and sunsets, I have petted more cats, I have enjoyed more cake. Nobody is going to die if I don’t race from one place to the next, except for maybe myself.


Very good advice @mckenzie_lexi it is totally important to have a great work life balance and to experience and enjoy the things around you as fully as possible.



“…Nobody is going to die if I don’t race from one place to the next, except for maybe myself…”

Yes, as mentioned by @PaulPavlinovich - yes, I do accept this comment.

May be an excellent conclusion… @mckenzie_lexi

Although, according to me, the “factor of balancing” (enjoyable Work, Professional Duty, Excercise, Personal time, etc) is also dependant on our age too…

Thanks for sharing some good shots, too.

Hope this may be liked by our friend @AdamGT also…


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Oh @mckenzie_lexi your post resonate well with me and thank you @TravellerG for the tag. I was once a workaholic; yes I lived to work and not worked to live! But after the funeral of a business associate and close friend, I saw the light and changed my whole life. I took more than a short pause. It wasn’t quitting or wasting time! It was all about changing my life. As you have said, watching more sunrises and sunsets, petting more cats, and enjoying more cake! Enjoying life a lot more!

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Hi @mckenzie_lexi ,

Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for Sharing @mckenzie_lexi .

Yes I like your idea about pause.

I do pause to see the beach with clear blue sky.

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Welcome dear @AdamGT

Just for your information, I am unable to TAG you - rather, in search, your username, 'AdamGT’ is not visible to me.

No idea… Shall wait & check, tomorrow again or else will report.