Parisian local guides : keep calm and gather

I guess there is already some meetings of local guide in Paris (and “ile de france” suburbs). I hav’not found anything here (maybe i did not spend enough energy to find correct posts).

So, if some of you are ok, we could have a coffee somewhere (and, of course, posts photos and comment of that place), share our tips, …

I have been a local guide for a while without investing time and energy in local community. Time has come to change that :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @DavidinParis

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

It’s great that you want to connect with other Local Guides from your area. What I’d suggest is that you search in Connect for mentions of Paris or any other cities nearby, to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into these conversations, engage with the Local Guides near you, and plan a meet-up. You can organize your meet-up on our Meet-up platform. Once your meet-up is approved, it will automatically appear as a post in the Meet-ups topic section for other Local Guides to participate.

Here is more information that may be helpful, especially if it’s your first time hosting:

Have a nice day, I am waiting to see your new post telling us about your experience here.

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Ok ! I will follow your advices !

Great anyway and thanks a lot ;-).

That post contains a lof of precious links : i am thankful

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Hi @DavidinParis

You’re welcome. When responding to someone, be sure to tag them (by writing @ before their name) in your comment so they’ll receive a notification letting them know that you are trying to reach them.

If you ever have questions or just want to learn more about the Local Guides program, you can visit the Help Desk and How do I search on Connect? to find what others have already shared.

Bonjour @DavidinParis

Bienvenue sur local guides connect, la communauté mondiale des local guides de Google et merci pour ta contribution.

Comme tu es nouveau, tu peux aussi prendre connaissance du post de @CeciliaRatto qui t’apportera de nombreux conseils sur l’utilisation de la plateforme:

Si tu le souhaites, tu peux aussi te présenter à la communauté ici:…

Enfin, si tu as besoin d’aide ou des questions, n’hésite pas à me solliciter, je me ferais un plaisir de t’aider et t’accompagner.

A bientôt et au plaisir de te lire.


PS: Sur le forum, quand on s’adresse à quelqu’un, il faut utiliser un @ + le nom d’utilisateur. Il recevra une notification (comme celle que tu as reçue) et pourra suivre facilement la conversation.

@Julien44 : bonjour et merci.

@user_not_found m’a déjà tout dit :wink: (same answer from her).

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