Pancha Rathas

The Pancha Rathas are a group of majestic structures present in the locality of Mahabalipuram in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Constructed during the seventh century, by Raja Narasimhavarman of the Pallava dynasty, the work was left unfinished after the death of this king. The specialty of the structures is that they have each been carved from a single rock of granite into a ratha (chariot). Named after the five Pandava brothers and their wife, Draupadi, of the epic of Mahabharata, the structures are in no way related to the story and the name was born out of local usage. This beautiful work of art is a definite must visit and has been named a UNESCO Heritage Site for its architecture and design. These structures have stood strong throughout the ages and are a perfect representation of the dedicated work carried out at during the olden ages.


Hi @chandra6664

Nice photo.

Can you add something more about these Panch Rathas?


Hi @chandra6664 ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thanks a lot for sharing! Could you please provide some more details about this photo and the place where you captured it? Is this place a temple? Maybe you could also provide us with the Google Maps URL to this place. : )

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