Palmerston Regional Hospital - Correct map

Hi all can you please help me gt Google Maps to update their map for the New Palmerston Regional Hospital. Google maps sends people bush and 4wd on a dirt track. Have put in the suggestion with a corrected map and even feedback still nothing. If you go to the satellite image you can see the roads and the hospital. This is becoming a real problem for patients and visitors to the hospital as current map has them turning off the main road before the hospital sign.

I am thinking the more people agree the quicker they will fix the problem.

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It can save a life as people would know and get there quicker, rather than go bush and have to back track.

Hello @Christine56 ,

It’s great that you want to correct misleading routes on Google Maps, however Idea Exchange is not the optimal place to do so. Idea Exchange is the section of Connect where Local Guides share their ideas toward making Google Maps or the Local Guides program even better. You can read more about it in How do I use the Idea Exchange?

You can report wrong directions by following the steps given in this guide.

Since your post is not an idea, I have moved it to the how-tos section of Connect.