Pakistan Local Guide Meetup in Karachi on Dec, 25 2020

Pakistan Local Guide invited you all to meet with Google Local Guider. Where you explore and share your ideas, your efforts, your journey with each other. It’s simple and easy to come in one platform for Pakistani Local Guiders. There is no Pakistani shinning stars in Google Local Guide. Our meet-up to share our efforts to Google local guiders.
That’s why we can organize a Short Meetup in Karachi, Pakistan. Invite all Local Guiders to come.



Share your meet-up time? When you will free.

Best wishes for your great meetup @muhammad_ilyas

Here I’m tagging one of the most active local Guide and my friend @KashifMisidia from Karachi Pakistan.

Stay connected with Kashifbhai, he is very helpful person.


Dear glad to see you rolling out a meetup in Karachi. And there are a large number of prominent Local Guides in Karachi. I would like to tag my mentor and Super-guide @KashifMisidia , a moderator too, who can definitely help you to organize it.


@muhammad_ilyas Aoa brother. Welcome to Local Guides community. Great to see a meetup organized by you, if you keep in touch with @KashifMisidia he will definitely introduce you an awesome community in Karachi. He’s from Karachi and most active Local Guide in Pakistan and great motivator. Thank you


Thank you @NareshDarji for mentioning @KashifMisidia .

Am glad to meet our pakistani local guiders :heart:

Thanks @MSulaiman Am happy to meet local guiders. :heart:

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walaikum salam! @Sarbland

Its my honor if I meet @KashifMisidia :heart:

Assalam walaikum @muhammad_ilyas

That’s a great idea to meet Local Guides around Karachi on 25th December. Before Covid & lockdown situation, we organized many meet-ups here, you can check recaps of these meetups by Clicking my profile.

I hope soon we will meet again, but not sure about 25th December. But I will surely let you know if someone have plan to meet on 25th.

Thanks @NareshDarji Bhai, @Sarbland Bhai, and @MSulaiman Bhai for mentioning me.

P. S : Please edit your post, and remove the Official logo from the picture in the post. We local Guides should avoid to use the Local Guides logo, pin, or any other Google imagery in any of our online or offline materials. The Local Guides logo is a Google brand identity and is reserved for official use only.


Hi @muhammad_ilyas ,

Please note that Local Guides are not allowed to use Google’s trade marks, as it is considered to be a violation of the Program Rules. This is the reason why your photo was removed from your post.

Thank you for your understanding.


ইচ্ছা থাকলেও উপায় নাই :disappointed:

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Walaikum Salam! @KashifMisidia Yup I review your last meetup.

Sure, I will wait for the next meetup in Karachi, Pakistan

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Hi @KlaudiyaG Sure,

It’s Ok no problem…

@lrkhokon :slightly_smiling_face: