Paella con amigos


Hai @serrrossi

Terima kasih sudah berbagi.

Mungkin akan lebih baik kalau diberi keterangan yang informatif.

Hi @serrrossi

This food looks delicious. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Did you cook it by yourself or you had it at a restaurant? Do you know how this food is made? I am sure that Local Guides will appreciate your post even more if you can share some recipes.

I like to eat seafood. I can share some photos of my seafood salad and I can share some recipes, here we go pork chops,1 tablespoon chopped hot pepper, soaked vermicelli, celery root, large onion, sliced, sugar, fish sauce, lemon juice

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Hello @serrrossi ,

This paella looks very delicious, thank you for sharing it with us, I guess it’s a home made one, right?

I love very much the combination between sea food and rice and I had the chance to eat a paella when I went to Barcelona. Do you know if there is any difference between the pealla made in Spain and the one made in Argentina?


Soy cocinero amateur . Me gusta y me relaja hacerlo. Siempre cocino para mi amigo ,ya que disfruto mucho hacerlo.

Con respecto a tu ensalada ,se ve muy linda a los ojos. Calculo que sera lo mismo para el paladar.

Te mando un beso
