I saw this at a local medical centre.
I strongly feel that this saying is for us:)
Do you agree?
It’s nice motivation especially in this time of COVID 19 pandemic. Where everyone is struggling for themselves. The statement that struck me is on the 5th line. At all times you can.it appeals to me .
Hello @OliverKIWI thanks for sharing . It is such a wonderful reminder.
It is very inspiring and constantly reminds us of our mission. @Emmik20 all the best!
Hey @OliverKIWI . Great motto. I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Such a pleasure to share this with so many like-minded wonderful human beings here:) @JustineE
Hello @OliverKIWI Such a great massage for our society. Thank you very much for your valuable post sharing with us.
[ Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family ]
Best Regards
Always a pleasure:) @OmarBD
Beautiful and wise, a profound meaning. Those are the only things one can do. The rest is not in our hands.
Thank you for sharing @OliverKIWI !
Liliana Solomon
@LiliSol Thank you - great to have like-minded outstanding individuals by my side:)