I started helping people with my pictures many many years ago through Google Earth (using now obsolete Panoramio). Seeing the view count go up used to be such an excitement then. Later on when I started travelling in my country, the lack of any information, any basic directory service and any picture used to be a major problem always. Google Maps solved all these problems singlehandedly, importance of which in underdeveloped places like ours could only be felt once it is experienced firsthand. I started contributing to Google Maps primarily to help tourism to places not on the main tourist maps. Simple exploration of villages, lakes and forests when used to help others resulted in many people gathering the initiative and courage to visit those places. Loved adding small businesses of these remote places as well and then started doing the same for the small business in my own city. Looking at these places flourish, evident from the view count of the pictures and other pictures flowing in, gave a satisfaction that I have returned something to the society and to the Google Maps. I love the fact that after years of negligible tourism due to problems of security and lack of information, when Pakistan was trying to recover, Google Maps gave us a chance to play our part and contribute
Wow. You know I do the same thing in my country Romania. I love to share the hidden , but beautiful places in my country.