hi sir i have also marked the places on google map for the convenience of the people so that people do not face any difficulty in reaching their destination i don’t know what is right and what is wrong but maybe i have done my work Well done, I’m from India and I don’t know English as well as you, so I might not be able to contact you. Or I can’t connect with you.
Hello @Umesh123
Welcome to connect. You have done well to be contributing to the maps already. As regards language, you don’t need to know English to be able to connect with other Local Guides. We have a translator attached to the forum on the top right corner of the page above. You can always write a post in your preferred language and also read it the same way for more information on that please read How-do-I-find-posts-in-my-preferred-language .
Seeing it’s your first post and you are new on connect I feel A Welcome-to-Connect-Card is appropriate for you. There is all the necessary information you need to feel comfortable on connect in the card. I will also like to tag @TusharSuradkar a moderator and active local guide from India . Keep active and enjoy connect.
Hey buddy @Umesh123 welcome to the connect , don’t worry about the language as local guide connect remove this barrier already , as per the right or wrong please visit this page localguides rules .
The marked area shows the Google translate.
List of languages you may select .
Thanks and have a nice day