Other ways to correct incorrect place information?

“Lincoln Park Zoo Gateway Pavilion” was demolished and replaced by the “Searle Visitor Center” I’ve tried to suggest these corrections, but get the auto not applied.


Hi @Nickvet419 ,

I know it can be frustrating when you are stuck with Not Applied responses when you want to fix something. Could you please explain what it was that you exactly did?

Did you remove the Gateway Pavilion by saying it is permanently closed and tried to add a new place for the visitors’ center?

FYI, I noticed that in another thread you did not use the @Nickvet419 for the person you are communicating with or about. Without it, people don’t receive notifications and thus may never respond :wink:

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@JeroenM For the Lincoln Park Zoo Gateway Pavilion I’ve tried simply changing the name, marking it as closed, marking it a doesn’t exist. and get the same auto not applied each way. I’ve also tried adding the Searle Visitor Center with a zoo tag and again with a visitor center tag, both also got the auto not applied.

@Nickvet419 ,

This is an interesting case study. Let’s begin with the official rules for departments. And here is official information about building names.

Some observations:

  • The main listing for the zoo has been claimed, none of the sub listings seem to have been claimed.

  • Some sub-listings state at their address “Located in Lincoln Park Zoo” some don’t.

  • The naming of places does not seem to be consistent. Many names start with “Lincoln Park Zoo”.

  • Most places have the Zoo category.

The main question that I have is: Do all the places that have been listed on Google Maps that are related to this zoo belong on Google Maps? If you read the official rules, when the different places belong to the same owner/management (which is the case here) the different locations should have different categories.

In some cases, I personally think that certain buildings should simply be named and not be listed as a department. These building names (as described in the official info above) are on a different map-layer that we Local Guides cannot edit.

Your visitor’s center, however, could be seen as a different department in my opinion and has an applicable different category than “zoo” as you already stated yourself.

Since your different attempts to edit the new visitor’s center were all rejected instantly by the algorithm, the system has not found enough data to verify your edit. I noticed that some of the other listed locations list the correct website page for that venue inside the zoo. So my next question to you is, did you use the link https://www.lpzoo.org/blog/welcome-searle-visitor-center to give the algorithm an authoritative webpage to verify the existence of the Searle Visitor Center?

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Also helps to check other listings places like foursquare and others. I tend to have to update all them a lot.

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did you use the link https://www.lpzoo.org/blog/welcome-searle-visitor-center to give the algorithm an authoritative webpage to verify the existence of the Searle Visitor Center?

@JeroenM yes

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I agree with @Flskgrd . When the algorithm comes across authoritative sources that still claim that the Pavilion exists or somehow does not support your edit suggestion, the evidence may not be conclusive in the eyes of the algorithm. Cleaning up potential external evidence may help, as @Flskgrd just suggested.

When the system is in doubt, your trust-score plays an important role on the “verdict” by the system (Approved versus Not Applied). But that would not be something you can easily solve, so then it becomes a job for another Map Editor with a higher trust-score to solve the issue.

I just noticed that there may be an issue, in the eyes of the algorithm, with the URL, @Nickvet419 . Did you notice that it is a blog page rather than a main page like: https://www.lpzoo.org/foreman-pavilion?