Ordinary photos are/can also extraordinary


Hi @Marschan ,

Thanks for sharing your photos with us. Can you tell us more about what and why you are sharing them? What camera have you used? If you’re interested in mobile photography you should check 3 tips for editing your photos using your phone for editing and enhancement.

I will move this post to Photography as it fits better there.

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In the past, I was worked as a Planner in aircraft engineering company. Today I’m working in DSD sub-contractor of Hong Kong.

I have the interest in the innovation of figures, such as my posted photos in Google map the viewers will almost reach to 10 millions.

I always take photos once feeling the scenery is good and interested to other viewer, will post in Google Map, since I love to share my joy to others.

I like Tai Chi and study its theory. This is very similar to the Common Sense in the United States. So the photos taken are taken with a mobile phone and intuition (without brain thinking). These very ordinary photos can get very high numbers of viewers.

No two places and the persons are exactly the same. I find ordinary is/can also extraordinary, so discovery and search will reach more.

Hong Kong is an international small and overcrowded beautiful city. Hong Kong has been returned to China by the United Kingdom for only 22 years. System is international, so the mainland culture and not in here is familiar with. I like everywhere tour and want to know all over the world’s culture and idea, but also want to all over the people know this wonderful small city the life of the the local people.

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@Marschan Thanks for your quick reply! Remember to tag with @ so the person can receive your notification! Hong Kong is quite impressive and innovative and I love seeing new photos and stories from there.

Keep on taking photos and sharing with us!

I agree with the title @Marschan Ordinary photos can definitely look extra-ordinary if taken in a specific angle.

We can share the experiments we have done with the camera and filters. The X-Factor can come from a certain place as well. Like some places are so beautiful , the extra-ordinary effect comes with it without any filter.

  1. I had used my sun-glasses in front of my camera to get this image. And yes people loved this image.

The color effect has really worked well.

Using Go Pro to get underwater pictures right. I Found Nemo ?

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Yes, I agree with your sun-glasses has made a lovely picture.

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