Orchid Festival in Moscow Botanical garden

Hello my dear friends,

Today I would like to share my photos and album from Orchid Festival in Moscow Botanical garden.https://photos.app.goo.gl/CLWwS68WU8cvYvbAA

When the outside winter and frost -in greenhousees of Botanical garden orchids are blooming.

It is incredible beauty!

I would like to tell you about orchid Venus Rothschild slipper–one of the most expensive and rare in the world.

A very large plant from Northen Borneo with huge spectacular flowers and long “mustache”

In the description in 1888,this orchid was considered the most expensive and rare and equated to the whole state–the mansion.

The biggest obstacle to its spreading is considered long term germination to the first flowering --decade.

This flower bloomed in the Botanical garden for the first time in 2017 at the age of 15.


This is a link to my album and video


Enjoy watching the besutiful flowers!


Hi @helga19 ,

Thank you very much for sharing this beauty with us! The orchid is my favourite flower. Is this Orchid Festival held for the first time or it’s a tradition?

I’m impressed by this Venus Rothschild slipper. Growing it require a lot of patience and dedication, but it’s definitely worth it. Do you know how long is its blooming period?

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Thank you @RadieN for your comment.

It is s tradition to organize annual Orchids Festival.

The blooming period is about one month.

Best wishes,


Hermosas flores @helga19 , la orquídea creo que es una de las flores mas hermosas que existen, sin tan variadas en formas y colores que puedes enamorarte de ella, gracias por compartir esta tradición, En el festival quienes son los que exponen personas que se notan o solamente los grandes jardines botánicos?



@FaridTDF thank you for your comment

It is a tradition to organize Orchid Festival in Botanicsl garden in Moscow.

The greenhouses has a dpecial condition for orchids.

Do you have Botanical gatden in your city!?

Best wishes,


Thank you for sharing beautiful Orchid flowers from Moscow Botanical Garden @helga19

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Hello @helga19 ,

Thank you for sharing this amazing Orchid Festival. All of the photos from the album are great! The plant from Northern Borneo looks absolute spectacular.

The orchid is my mum’s favorite flower and we have a lot at home. I would like to share with you some of them :slight_smile: I hope you will like them.


Thank you dear. @Ivi_Ge

These orchid are very beautiful!

I like orchids too.It is my favourite flowers.

I try to grow them from small sprout at home,but it is capricious and fragile plant.


Hola @helga19 , como ya abras visto en algunos post de la Patagonia, Río Grande es un lugar muy ventoso poco favorable para las flores y árboles al aire libre, de todas maneras la Municipalidad de la ciudad tiene un vivero en el cual cultiva y prepara alma siglos para luego sembrar en los paseos y canteros de la ciudad, en esta época del año casi a mediados del verano para que entrado el otoño todavía se puede ver algunas flores que colocan en los canteros dando un hermoso aspecto en la ciudad, esto de poner florecitas es uno de los motivos por los cuales pago mis impuestos sin ninguna queja jejejeje



Thanks for bringing my attention to this post, @helga19 . Where does the Venus Rothschild orchid come from? How many kinds of orchids did the festival include?

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Hello dear @IrrPavlova

Thank you for your comment.

The Orchid Venus Rothschild slipper -this plant from island Borneo.

It grows in the hight mountains 600 m above the sea level

The festival include more then hundred kinds of orchids.

This festival lasts to the end of March.

The link to this Botanical garden on Google maps

Ботанический сад МГУ «Аптекарский огород»
пр-т Мира, 26 строение 1, Москва, 1290900

Best wishes,



Hello @helga19 Beautiful Orchids and flowers in photos and beautiful in Library. It must have been so nice to get out of the cold Moscow weather and into the hot houses with the orchids and flowers :smiling_face:

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Thank you so much @Eire27

Have a nice day tiday!

Best wishes from Moscow!

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Really nice@INGA1, thanks for sharing. I am trying to search out good pics presented by our friends.

Thank you once again for nice posts.

Best wishes.


Thank you @shantanu-kaizen

I am glad that you like my photos,



I absolutely love all your photos they are beautiful

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