OneTwoTrip - worst ticketing service.

Не рекомендую!!! Купили билеты, через день пришла смс об отмене рейса. Рейс был прямой Санкт-Петербург - Аликанте. Мы путешествуем с с маленьким ребенком, для нас важна скорость и минимум пересадок. Взамен купленных ранее билетов нам предложили с пересадкой 6 часов в Барселоне или возврат средств. Не найдя лучших билетов за эти деньги, мы были вынужденны согласиться. Через два дня звонков и разговоров с операторами, пришла еще одна смс, на этот раз об отмене предложенного раннее рейса с пересадкой. Такая вот лоттерея на удачу. Сейчас прошел уже месяц с момента покупки.

I do not recommend it!!! We bought tickets, a day later an SMS came to cancel the flight. The flight was direct St. Petersburg - Alicante. We travel with a small child, speed and a minimum of transfers are important for us. Instead of previously purchased tickets, we were offered a change of 6 hours in Barcelona or a refund. Not finding the best tickets for the money, we were forced to agree. After two days of calls and conversations with operators, another SMS arrived, this time about the cancellation of the proposed earlier flight with a transfer. Such a lottery for luck. Now a month has passed since the purchase. OneTwoTrip relieved himself of all responsibility and transferred it to the airline. The airline is not yet responding, I hope they help. Hopefully not having another bad review …


That’s a terrible experience and terible customer service @Benagraph . Hopfully you’ll soon get a favorable response from the airline!

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Thanks @AdamGT .Hope for farobale response too.

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There’s a reason I never use economy/budget airlines @Benagraph this information is best shared as an objective review rather than hear on Connect.

I would advise against a review prior to actually flying though.


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@PaulPavlinovich Where, on what resource you consider writing a review would be most effective.Thanks.

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Hi @Benagraph I wrote an article quite a long time ago on writing effective reviews


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