One step forward :)

**Received****my first badge :name_badge: today.**As i was thinking to contribute more and more to this beautiful community of local guides, i recently found some interesting features and activities. That motivates us (local map contributers), to contribute more and more.


Hello muskan how’d you??

नमश्कार @muskan-garg

कनेक्ट साइट पर आपका स्वागत है।
इस बीच आपने दो और बैज अर्जित किए हैं। योगदान देते रहें।

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Congratulations, @muskan-garg ! :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, just note that I removed the language label from your post as it isn’t written in French. This action will help prevent confusion among community members who will be looking for publications in this particular language via Connect.