One post attracts +1,000 local visitors within 4months

I do not know if you have read my article earlier about finding the hidden waterfall in the community in Preah Vihear. I posted Journey to the hidden waterfall in the off the map area here and of course in FB for about 4 months and I can proudly say it has brought more than 1,000 visitors to the site.

In Cambodia, there is no lockdown so people can still travel locally amid the pandemic. Many people use Facebook and many Adventure businesses also boost much incomes from this. It is a good lesson. I added the waterfall to the Google Map as well. Google map is not very popular among us Cambodians though as people do not know about it.

I visited the site in late October 2020 and I made 5 collage photos posted publicly in my account. There were more than 250 shares on that post. Up to now, it is about 4 months and they told me that they have received about 1,000 local visitors to visit the site. This is a proof that my role as local guide really provide the impact to the local businesses.


Hey @Sophia_Cambodia ,
It’s great you added the waterfall on Google Maps and gained all these visitors.

I just wanted to let you know that I will move your post to our Achievements board, where Local Guides brag about such accomplishments. More information on Connect’s labels is available here.


This indeed is a remarkable achievement @Sophia_Cambodia I do remember the previous post :+1:

Congratulations, your additions to Maps are making a difference.

Visting a waterfall when it is raining is a wonderful experience

I had one such accidentally when visiting a waterfall and it started raining out of nowhere, a moment worth remembering for a long tme.


This is an incredible achievement @Sophia_Cambodia ! Amazing to see the power of Local Guides, keep it up!! :smile:


Well done on your achievement @Sophia_Cambodia and I love the photo.


This is very impressive :+1:



Thank you dear @Bobiisha many thanks for this.


Haha, I see. Did you notice the scarf I was wearing @TusharSuradkar in this photo? Because my paints got wet and very difficult to walk, I took it off and wore scarf. It was a nice trip but my body was painful for the whole week! So much energy needed there. Now, they reported to me that they finished building the stair and trails and that’s very good news!

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Writing this and went to many places and help local businesses make me proud @Sheetal_RS never knew before Connect that I could actually help added new place or missing information from the map.

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Thank you dear @AdamGT but I am shy to Cambodians, no girls would wear scarf and take photo. Only men use scarf in everyday life - go fishing or taking a shower. However, I did not bring swimsuit with me that time so I borrowed the scarf from local guides and that’s why it looks like that!

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Thank you @abhishekpatk glad you enjoyed them!

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You did really well @Sophia_Cambodia . It’s a beautiful photo and it’s getting great results so you couldn’t ask for much more!

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The waterfall is much more beautiful so people don’t pay attention to me @AdamGT lolz… well I feel very proud. Many people were asking about this place and they went to visit. They use the local community’s service which is very good. They worked hard on building the stairs and many other things. It is worth it.

It is an amazing achievement! Kudos to you @Sophia_Cambodia for your effort.

Waiting for more from you.

Stay safe and happy. Have a great year ahead!

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Thank you for your support dear @PritishB I’m very happy!

Nice viewer @Sophia_Cambodia and congratulation for your achievement

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Many thanks for your kind words @Wisnusetiono

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You are welcome my dear @Sophia_Cambodia

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We have each other support, and I am very grateful for that @Wisnusetiono

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yes, you are right @Sophia_Cambodia