one of my favorite dessert

These special steamed rice cake with leche plan is the best,it is cheap, around 0.13cent USD or 7pesos, but tasty, truly Filipino 's best food, try it


They look very tasty @santino_marinduque , thanks for sharing!

The color reminds a bit of creme brulee, and I would never have guessed that it was actually rice.

Do you know anything about how these are made?

@MortenSI thanks. Our neighbor offer me so I just take some of it and it is tasty and yes it is made from rice

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They sure look tasty @santino_marinduque !

Is this a traditional Philippine dessert?

@MortenSI yes it is. When would you like to go here in the Philippines to make a bite of it?

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Well I don’t have any definitive plans at the moment @santino_marinduque , but I do want to travel through Asia and the Philippines are a must on my route for sure!