On moving wheels

This picture is clicked from inside the car as you can see. I captured this beautiful scene while i was going on NH44 to jhansi. It’s feel like we were in the middle of nowhere.


Hi @Gazad

Welcome to the only official online community forum for Local Guides: Connect. Connect is a place for members of the Local Guides program around the world to share their experiences and to connect with other Local Guides in a single place.”

This is the first of the information that you will find in “14 helpful tips for using Connect” - The post will give you a full and detailed introduction about The community

I would like to discourage you to take photo while driving, as you loose the beauty on the landscape as 70% of the photo is covered by the car, and you put your life at risk.

Posting on “travel” is a bit more than sharing a photo @Gazad . We are Local Guides, we share information that can help others. Please read Welcome to the Travel board to know which kind of contents to share here

Do you have a doubt about how to do something? The Help desk is here for you,with a long list of post with detailed indications on how to post.

Which kind of contents we share in the community? What are Connect topics? will give you an explanation