Old maps

How can we see 10,20 year old maps on google map …?


Hi @ManojKumarDesai100 ,

On desktop there is an option where you can select older streetview footage (if available). Is that what you are looking for? If you need further information just let us know.


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Hi @ManojKumarDesai100 thank you for reaching out. That is an interesting question, I would like to see that too, but never tried to do any investigation, it happens that by luck that you come across a Street View photo that has not been updated for a long time, just like in rural areas, I have seen those, but not in a situation where by you select the year you would like to view.

It is advisable to go to a place that has some history, that will make it even easier to find old images on Google Street View, just like what has been shared here on the bellow post, advised from the help forum. Here is the answer provided on the Google Earth help forum, it looks like this feature is no longer available, there is a clock which you can click, select the year you would want to view,

but now that feature is not active even though the clock is still there, it does not show any old images, on Street View,

is like clicking a button and nothing happens. See this post How do I view previous years Street View photos? I have tried it too, but the images does not change, I believe this feature has been stopped or under development based on the answer from help forum. Thank you.

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Google maps has been launched on February 8, 2005, so for sure there are no data older than that date.

BTW, you can see Historical imagery on Google Earth. Please check: View a map over time


Hi @ManojKumarDesai100 with the information shared by @ErmesT I would like to confirm it as I just tested it on Google Earth, only if you can download Google Earth on your PC, I tried using Google Earth for Chrome but I did not have the time feature. See the bellow screen shorts showing screen shorts in different time periods:

Here is another current image from 2019, you can see the difference of photo quality between the two images, and the trees on the first screen short above labeled 2, they are more than the trees appearing on the bellow screen short. The tool to select the year is labeled 1 on the above first screen short. The labeled 3 represent the year in which the image was taken, set by the selector labeled 1:

I hope this will answer your question, and thank you @ErmesT for this information, the one I went for does not seem to be effective. Cheers!


Hi @ManojKumarDesai100 ,

Please note that I have accepted @ErmesT 's reply as a solution as it gives the complete answer to your question.


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