Ohau Point Seals at play

Ohau Point is located on the east coast of the. South Island of New Zealand. The area was badly damage by a Earthquake in 2016 with the roads and railway line being completely rebuild and only recently reopen. The sea floor in the area was raised up during the earthquake now forming part of the land, as can be seen by the white looking rocks. The Seal colony has relocate because of this.

Ohau Point Seals at play video.


Hi @StephenNewZealand

I love New Zealand and enjoyed your post and photos about Ohau Point.

Hallo @StephenNewZealand

Vielen Dank für das Teilen dieser tollen Erfahrung.

Die Bilder sind wunderschön.

Gibt es eine bevorzugte Zeit, in der man die Robbenkolonie besuchen sollte? Sind die Robben immer da? Wann ist Baby Zeit?

Ich bin gespannt auf weitere Beiträge von Ihnen.

Viele Grüße aus dem Rheinland


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Hey @StephenNewZealand ,

Thank you for sharing your photos, I wasn’t aware of the earthquake in that part of New Zealand. Now that the roads and railways have been rebuilt and open, do many people visit the area?

From the information I found the best viewing time of year is from April to September to see. the pups growing up.

As the area is on the east coast by the sea t’s effected by the weather, so it’s best to pick a sunny day, from 11am to about 4pm.

It’s a great stop off point when travelling along State highway one to Christchurch or Picton or other places.

As the area is on the state highway 1 between Christchurch and Picton the area can be busy during the day it has I think about fifty carpark but people only stop for about 20 minutes. There currently still lots of on going road works in the area, so extra travel time is needed.