Oh my, I found a home here!

The advent of Social Media made communication and networking a lot easier, no doubt.

However, since I signed up on local guides connect, I’ve been exposed to life, way beyond catching up with gists and gossips.

There’s lots to learn here. Any witness?


@IfeanyiKOH I know exactly how you feel, it is home indeed


It’s wonderful to know you feel same way @MuhammadAI . Nice to meet you here.


I can imagine how you feel @IfeanyiKOH @MuhammadAI

Let’s keep guiding, have fun and keep coming up!!

Local guide community is a bird that sings at 2pm and the songs are very interesting.

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Thank you @TaofeekOseni .

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By the way, can you please explain what you mean by “a bird that sings by 2 pm…”

Would gladly learn from you.

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This is a good place to be. I’ve learnt a whole lot and i’m still in the “classroom”.


We are “still in the classroom”!

Nice to meet you here @iamireku

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