Officer's Club Swimming pool, Dhaka

Looking for a standard training opportunity for swimming in Dhaka, Bangladesh ?? Then officer’s Club Swimming pool, Baily Road, Dhaka is a good option for you.

Respect to ambience, cleanliness, discipline and environment everything is favourable and familiar for the learners.

Disappointment may arise when you found that only the government officers will get the chance to swim on regular basis within a very affordable cost, outsiders are allowed only for training session.
Training cost may be a bit high but comparatively other swimming pools this one is reasonable and trainers are also available.
Swimming training cost was BDT 3000 (excluded costumes and accessories) for Govt. Officers and their references and BDT 6000 (excluded costumes and accessories) for outsiders.
My negative observation is they don’t provide exactly 50 minutes for the training session, call too early to get up from the pool and usually huge rush is observed in changing room.
Anyways Happy Learning!!

Map link for Officers’ Club Swimming Pool


It looks like a great swimming pool with adorable ambience and has it’s own etiquette. As a swimmer, I really like it! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:t2:

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Yes, it is… Thank you

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