Nurek, Tajikistan. The city under the dam.

Nurek is a city (28 thousand inhabitants) in the Khatlon region, lost in the depths of the mountain range that separates Khatlon from the Regions of republican subordination. This is not the North and not the South, but a fragment of Soviet Tajikistan: the city built in the 1960s with the highest dam in the world with an atmosphere of a beautiful and unfulfilled dream.

To see the main attraction of Nurek - you need to go to the square in front of the power station: between the mountains there is a bulk dam. Its height is exactly 300 meters, and until 2013 it was the highest in the world, until the Chinese built the Jinping Hydroelectric Power Plant as much as 5 meters higher (though its dam is concrete). In terms of volume, however, the Nurek dam is only in tenth place in the world, about three times less than the Dam Tarbela of Pakistan’s largest hydroelectric power station.

One thing is for sure, if you are on vacation in Dushanbe, then it is your duty to visit Nurek. The place is sooo beautiful, so when you come to Dushanbe, be sure to go to this magical place. It’s magical, because when you bathe in this magical color of water, you watch the sun go down, and it’s unrealistically beautiful


Hi @Farhod87

That looks amazing! Do you live in this city, Nurek? Your photos are stunning and really shows the beauty. I really like the one with the bridge where you can see the river and the mountains in the back. What an amazing nature!

I’m not very familiar with your country so it’s great to see more content coming up with unknown places. Do you often go to this dam? It looks like a cool place to go and spend time.

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