Now it easier to find you

One day, it was rain cats and dogs outside. My sister asked me to brought her document to the Departement of Youth and Sport Office.
My sister told me that she had 2 days left . It was deadline.
So, I went to the office. It was my very fisrt time. But I was confident that I could reached the place.
Long short story, I spent many times to look for the office. So hard to found the office.
I just saw my self wet and cold outside.
After few hours more, i found the place. I gave the document and left. The point was not about the document. I was thinking, how could goverment office hard to found.?
Moreover, I thought that no one else had to feel what I was. So I taken some pictures of the office with my phone, I posted on maps and also gave some reviews on it. In a moment, I knew it was the best way to help people.
And few months after, my friend sent me a text. That when he was looking for the office, he almost got lost. Fortunate, he saw my review on maps, and fallowed the track. Finally, he had no need to waste time.
It makes me really happy become and prond became part of local guides.
Now, easier to find anything.

Photos of the office.