Novice Photographer to Expert Photographer - Impact not updating

Why are photo view stats out of synchronization? This is preventing my progression from Novice Photographer to expert Photographer.

Photo views on Badge levels in the Android app have been fixed at 36,696 for a number of weeks now whilst on the desktop app, the photoviews total is 187,292, well above the 100,000 threshold for Expert Photographer status, but significantly less that my more viewed photograph, which has 217,541 views.

This inconsistent data is a huge bug in the Google Local Guides system, and has become more of a disincentive than an incentive.

Come on Google, this is an easy fix and needs doing urgently!


Hi @BurnageBete , this has been reported by several LG’s and I believe the developers are aware of the issue which means they must be working on solving it. The nature of bug fixes is that (unless it’s a critical bug like a security problem) they “collect” a few and release a new, fixed version with this “batch fix” - i.e. you don’t need to update your app like daily. Let’s hope the fix for this bug will be in the next release but in any case, I am pretty sure when it is, it will fix the issue for the (now seemingly) “lost” points, too.

Still no update to my Photo Views in Novice Photographer Badge which is still stuck on 36,696. Total Photo views on the PHOTOS tab is 336,623, whilst one photo has 341,784 - Inconsistent data GOOGLE! How long do we have to wait?

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Yeah it’s been inconsistent since I can remember. Google photos on my android device tells me I’m a master but my iphone says i’m only expert and desktop won’t tell me LOL.

Same here. Its got stucked while the real views have reached twice - thrice of it.

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Same issue with me. I reached 100k+ and still no change. Why do the other Badges display a change? But with respect to the Expert Photographer Badge #nochange How long does it usually take?

3 days and still no impact update on badges. Stuck on zero

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I think it just comes down to patience. My Local Guide info was updated. It took roughly 10 days to get it right again. Good luck!

That stinks for a lack of a better word. Good luck