November 24 is .. Wine Meet-up II, International edition

After the exciting experience of 2017, this year we want to move Wine Meet-up to an highest level: we are becoming “International”

What does international mean? We are giving a double meaning to this word:

  • International, because a lot of Local Guides from all Europe will join us. I know that some of them have already booked a flight. Last year it was international too, as Alejandra was coming from Spain, but this year you will have really the opportunity to see a lot of Top Local Guides reaching Treviso for the event
  • International because, if you cannot reach us in Treviso, we are inviting you to join us virtually, organising your own Wine Meet-up

What is Wine Meet-up?

Wine Meet-up is a Food Crawl Meet-up, for exploring in deep the world of wine. Wine is not simply a beverage. Wine is an expression of culture and tradition, a research of perfection through centuries of experience. During the meet-up we will explore all the farm, from the vineyards to the cellars, learning how the wine is obtained, from the wine plant to the bottle.

At the end we will have a “wine tasting”, with a sommelier that will guide us in exploring flavors aromas of different wines

Exploring the territory is very important, if you want to learn about wine production.

Grape cultivation is much more than plant a vine in the ground. Soil, sun, eight, humidity of the area, are factors that can dramatically change taste and production. We will learn a lot about this. During the preliminary Geo-walk, we will move from the Piave river, where we had the 2017 Meet-up, to the hills. We will see how the wine production is changing, from a high grade red (Raboso), to a white sparkling (Prosecco) wine, simply moving for a few kilometers.

In the preliminary Geo-walk we will explore the territory of the First World War, that ended in Italy on November 3, 1918. It will be a great opportunity to celebrate the event

Topic of the year will be Prosecco, a very well known white sparkling wine. We will visit Villa Sandi, a very scenic Palladian Villa, exploring the villa, the underground cellar (one and a half km on two floors) and tasting wine.

After the visit, we will go for dinner, exploring the classic food of the area.

Dietary needs: If you want to attend, and you have some dietary needs, please let us know

Optional: If you want to stay longer, on Sunday 25 we are organising a Photo-walk Meet-up in Treviso, for exploring the Medieval town.

Accommodation: depending of the number of attendees, we will decide if stay in hotel or in some B&B. We are already contacting various hotels in the area for getting a good price for you for the Wine Meet-up. Information about this will be shared privately to the Local Guides that want to attend. More information will follow.

Wants to know more? Here you will find the links to the last year, and something more about wine. Have a fun

Want to organise your own Wine Meet-up? Please post your link in a reply here.

Need help? please ask in this post.

Waiting for you



@ErmesT , for this post I did wait!

:de: Will come for sure. Looking forward to meet a lot of local guides from Italy :it: and Europe!


Difficult decision to take dear @ErmesT … photowalk or wine meet-up?

I have to reconcile the commitments with my family … I’ll be able to tell you as soon as possible which date I choose !!!

(I hope that with many other LocalGuides!!!)




Wow… terima kasih @ErmesT sudah berbagi informasi tentang rencana meet up yang sangat bagus, inovatif dan edukatif. Saya sangat mendukung meet up ini karena acara yang bersifat study tentang bagaimana cara menanam dan memproduksi anggur buat makanan dan minuman. Salam dan sukses rencana meet up besar ini. :pray:


Wow… terima kasih @ErmesT sudah berbagi informasi rencana meet up yang sangat bagus, inovatif dan edukatif. Saya sangat mendukung meet up ini karena acara yang bersifat study tentang bagaimana cara menanam dan memproduksi anggur buat makanan dan minuman. Salam dan sukses rencana meet up besar ini. :pray:

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Hi @ErmesT ,

I want to know more abouth Raboso, Prosseco, Villa Sandi and Treviso!!!

I am IN :))))

It´s fantastic @TorM , we will meet soon :)))

Good Evening from the South of Spain,



:it: :es:

Oh, than I hope we will have as well participants with less temperament, otherwise I will be lost… :wink::champagne: :dancer:

Really looking forward to meet you @AlejandraMaria !


Jajajajaja @TorM !

There is going to be a lot of temperamental LGs :)))) Italy and Spain is South of Europe😉. Plus others as @NatalkaR

I am very happy to see you ready to dance :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: and learn about​:champagne: and to have an incredible time.

We all will give our best in the next edition of the Wine Meet-up :)))))))

It is going to be superb:)))))

Good Evening from the South of Spain,



Can’t wait to meet you, @AlejandraMaria

Less temperament @TorM ?, No way. Top local guides are alwais SUPER


Hi @davidhyno

Great to know that you will be in.

Take your time, as (coming from Vicenza) you don’t need a place to stay.

Option 3: Bring your family with you. It will be a great moment of friendship, and you will be able to show them some of the people that you will meet in San Francisco soon (Yes, very soon, I can’ wait)

@DeniGu , we are running already, even if before to post the Official Meet-ups we will wait to know how many people will come, so to arrange in the best way the accommodation (even if some people already booked a room) like @davide7O


Sei con noi anche quast’anno @jthomas ?

Sarà ancora più interessante

Segnato in Calendar… se non mi capitano intoppi… :wink:

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Thank you @Lera76

we try to add to our meet-up a cultural part, mostly if there is people coming from other areas / countries.

Food (an wine in this case) is part of the culture and the history of a people.

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Halo @ErmesT saya mendukung penuh atas terlaksananya meet up ini karena, program yang luar biasa. Saya suatu waktu saya akan mengangkat satu makanan pokok khas suku melanesia (pasific) yaitu: SAGU. Terima kasih :pray:

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Ehi ragazzi dove sta il link al meetup per iscriversi???


Il link prossimamente @LucioV

@AntonellaGr sta raccogliendo le adesioni preliminari, per curare la parte Logistica, in modo da avere le corrette informazioni quando inserirà il meet-up


Ciao @LucioV e tutti! Ci sono quasi, mi mancano ancora un paio di info. Mi raccomando da un paio di giorni prima andate ad acqua! Credo saremo in parecchi!

Un abbraccio a tutti e a presto


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@ErmesT This will be some Adventure [Recap] very nice