Nouvelle rubrique dans suggestion "googlemaps"

J’ai remarqué plusieurs bugs sur la carte gps pour des endroits mal geolocalisés.

L’adresse est bonne mais quand on active “googlemap” on arrive pas au bon endroit.

Il y a bien un endroit dans suggestion qui permet de changer les coordonnées GPS mais cela ne résout pas le problème.

Exemple :

Le Pré neuf Vilieu, 01800 Meximieux


Si vous mettez cette adresse vous n’arrivez pas au bon endroit :flushed:


Hi @Souri007 ,

Thanks for sharing with us.

Would you mind clarifying a bit more on the issue you are facing with? Perhaps a screenshot or two may come in really handy. : ]

Just to be sure, does what you have mentioned come close to Google Maps Plus codes?

For the moment, the post would be relocated to How-tos for further convenience.

Hi sonnyNg,

Éven if I take picture or screenshot, i couldn’t show you the problem.

The problem is a bug ! When i write this adress in googlemap, i didn’t arrived in this place…

Thanks for answer :wink:

Hi @Souri007 ,

Thanks for clarifying!

Would this following address be close to the designated destination?

As to be really sure, would the following code you have used 8FQ7W64J+QQ be generated else where, other than Google Maps Plus codes?