Not applied data problem report

Dear Local Guides or Local Guides Connect moderators:

My name is Andrés Lazo, I am new in Local Guides Connect and I hope that what I am about to write fits correctly in this part of Local Guides Connect.

I am trying to make a data problem report in Google Maps about a street name and a park name. I have done it twice, but these attempts of mine have been rejected as “Not applied”.

By the way, I have followed the instructions of the “Suggest an edit to a place” part of this Google Map Help web page Suggest edits to or closure of a place

I have official data of the local Municipality where this street and this park are, through this Municipality web pages, which verifies that changes to the names of this street and this park, which I am trying to make in Google Maps, are correct.

I used to be a Google Map Maker user so I have certain knowledgment, I think, of how Google Maps edits work. I remember that it is important to have data which verifies changes, and I have them through this Municipality web pages as I have said.

Is this the right place to ask for help to this matter?

I hope that you all can help me.

Yours faithfully,

Andrés Lazo


@lazo_aaj There are various ways on why your edit submission is not applied and Google is using various ways to to make sure the edit is correct. The best way to approach this is to make sure your edit is as accurate as possible, and maybe try to do it when you’re as close as possible to the location. Other than that, just wait and see if the edit got approved. If you’re getting “Not applied” maybe give it a try again another time.

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Hi @lazo_aaj

It sounds like an issue that could be dealt with via the Google Maps Community support found here:

Some of the experts there can escalate your issue to the relevant Google Maps team.



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Dear @iyudhi :

Thank you very much indeed for your kind answer. I am sorry that I am replying late what you wrote to me. I can do so now.

I understand what you are telling me, so I will follow your advice.

Best regards to you.

Andrés Lazo

Dear @MortenCopenhagen :

Thank you very much for your kind answer and the information which you shared to me. I really appreciate them.

I have troubles with my laptop now, but, as soon they are solved, I will follow your instructions. Thank you.

I am very sorry that I have just answered this comment of yours to me. I can do so just now.

Best regards to you.

Andrés Lazo

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