Noodles vs Rice , which one your choice ?

@Nyainurjanah wkwkwk, I mean you can try the rice only (maybe a bite or two), not eat it for a whole meal.

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Halo @Nyainurjanah ,

Fotonya keren! Kalau orang Indonesia pasti nasi ya dan seperti yang banyak orang bilang kalau belum makan nasi rasanya belum makan.

Kalau favorit saya adalah makan nasi putih hangat ditemani dengan varian lauk masakan padang, seperti yang terlihat di foto dibawah.


Hi teh @Nyainurjanah I could eat both of rice and noodle at the same time! Especially with instant noodle :hugs:

I love fried tempe and the sambal, too. Did you make the sambal by yourself?

Amazing food photos @Ant_Bad_Yogi !

I’m curious with the purple rice from the spicy minced salmon sticky rice burger. Is that made from taro or yam?


@Velvel @Nyainurjanah What does “teh” mean?

@Velvel Thank you for the compliment. Actually it is Black Sticky Rice, Have you tried black sticky rice?


Yeah tetéh @Velvel you’re in as true citizen +62 555

Yes sambal my self , rice + sambal also good ( emergency food LOL ).

@Ant_Bad_Yogi always good for taking pictures ,even where taking picture ugly duck the result is beautiful swans téh ,only one weak with her taking selfie 555 .


Teh in Bahasa Indonesia meaning tea , but in Sundanese ( West Java Indonesia) Téh or Tétéh meaning sister


Satu tips ya mbak @AngieYC kalau makan di warung Padang sebaiknya dibungkus bawa bawa pulang ke rumah saja ya ,karena porsi nasinya 2 kali lipat dan harganya tetap sama lebih hemat dan pastinya kenyang lebih lama kan ha ha

Terus satu lagi kalau kertas nasi kita pakai karet gelang hijau berarti lauknya rendang , karet kuning isi ayam ,kalau karet merah isiannya lauk lain .


Teteh @Nyainurjanah wkwkwk, thank you for the compliment. How about you? Have you tried black sticky rice?

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Black sticky rice , I tasted but like rice usually enjoying with salt and grated coconut , here price for sticky rice little bit expensive téh @Ant_Bad_Yogi 555


Uuu… itu kerupuk jangeknya nampak menggoda sekali, Mbak @AngieYC:yum: :yum:

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Hi, @Ant_Bad_Yogi

Black sticky rice? Does in Thailand you eat it as the main course? Because we in Indonesia usually eat black sticky rice (and the white one) as a snack. We don’t take that as a meal.

Especially for the black sticky rice, more often we fermented it first. In Indonesia we called it “tapai ketan hitam” (ketan hitam = black sticky rice). We could eat fermented black sticky rice as is, or sometimes we put it in “es campur” (mixed fruit ice dessert) :+1: :+1:


@iorikun301 Yes, we eat noodle, sticky rice (white, black) as a meal.

I would love to see photos of “tapai ketan hitam”. If you have some, please share them with us.

In Thailand, sticky rice can be eaten as dessert too. But we mix it with coconut milk, sugar and salt to make it a bit sweet and salty. Have you tried Mango sticky rice?


@Nyainurjanah I love both Japanese rice and white bread. However, the Japanese are leaning more towards bread these days.


Halo @Nyainurjanah ,

Tips diterima! Kalau untuk kode warna karet gelang baru tau saya. Tapi kadang memang lebih enak kalau bungkus pulang karena bumbunya uda tercampur semua.

@iorikun301 kerupuk jangek disiram kuah gulai ayam, mantap rasanya!


@Nyainurjanah I love both But most of the time I prefer Rice :grin:

Traditional lunch looks delicious :heart_eyes:

Can you tell me more sambal what it is? And how it is made?



No rice no eating for me LOL

Sambal is mixed from chili ,tomato and salt , spicy taste .



Thank you for sharing your thought , Japan so famous with high quality food, I love Japanese food also especially sushi


@Nyainurjanah hahaha I know you are a noodle fan :yum: :grin:

Sound interesting I will try to make sambal :smile:


Hey @Ant_Bad_Yogi I’ve never tried black sticky rice before. I think I’ve never seen black sticky rice menu at Thai restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia. Hopefully I could try it someday.

Btw guys, I would like to share with you the yoghurt drink with purple rice (black rice) from China that currently opened and so popular in Jakarta. This is a refreshing drink that will make you full. The yoghurt is not sour at all.

Caption : A photo of a cup of Purple Rice Yoghurt by Local Guide @Velvel

Do you guys like Yoghurt @Ant_Bad_Yogi @Nyainurjanah @iorikun301 ?


Teh @Velvel , The black sticky rice is not popular as white sticky rice. That’s why they don’t have it there.

I would love to try that yogurt. How much is it? My favorite yogurt is Luna Vanilla Yogurt, I have it every time I visit Japan. If you visit Japan, you will find it in 7-11.

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We’re rice addicted @MukulR right LOL