Noodles Mixed with Steam White Rice.Yes You in Indonesia

I feel you @Nyainurjanah . Our mom used to be the same when I was a kid. No matter what I ate, she thought we were not eating enough to get enough energy.

If there is no special way of making it, I am going to try this method at home some times. I am big fan of instant noodles soup. So next time I make some, I will try it with rice. Is the rice the regular steamed rice or it has to be made in a special way as well?


I type for replying this comment but always draft because someone or something bothering teh @Ant_Bad_Yogi

So here my reply

Sure,that’s common for me,white rice,sticky rice,brown rice,violet rice even I tried fried noodles mixing with rice porridge wkwkwkw.

It’s not too healthy actually double carbo but so far it’s okay maybe because my body to much moved need much carbo 5555


wkwkwk, teh @Nyainurjanah fried noodles with rice porridge! I have an idea. How about you plant rice (just a little) and eat it? I think it must be the most delicious rice in the world for you.

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Ahaha téh @Ant_Bad_Yogi

Great idea,maybe in the weekend I I must be follow my neighbor to field and help them as farmer,ex farmer and back to field.

It’s need long time because limited technology most of us spend 3 - 6 month for one time planting

Thanks for idea.


Makanan favorit saya nih apabila di rumah habis dan tidak ada lauk adanya mie instan gass poll aja buat… Mie instan memang di sukai banyak orang terutama para perantauan :grin: tapi mie instan ini bisa buat pencari cuan. Yaaa nostalgia lagi di jaman SMP :joy: kantin sekolah selalu jualan mie instan ramai banget yang beli sampai perut saya kroncongan @Nyainurjanah

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