This is my first time to post something like this on the internet, hence the title. Hope you guys bear with my ramblings. ? Here goes…
When I travelled locally before, I neither used maps nor felt the need to use one; it’s easier to ask for directions, honestly. Plus back in the days (non millennial mom talking here), asking was simply the best way.
Until recently.
I finally got the courage to travel abroad for leisure. Only then did I realise how important Google Maps is, plus the info it provides. So when I got back home, I started exploring its features.
I started posting reviews on some places I’ve visited, answering some questions, submitting additional info for some, or suggesting an edit. In my opinion, the reviews is the go-to section of most people who search for restaurants and whatnots. Ratings and review are powerful tools, I must say. Anyway, when I travel, it really means a lot when I get to read relevant information about activities and restaurants in Maps. So, I try to do that also, so that if ever someone would try to research through Maps, I would be able to help them in my own little way. Same goes for adding information such as business hours since it’s really disappointing to go all the way to the café only to find it closed! Simple info goes a long way, guys. I also try to suggest edits when I deem an info confusing. Been there. It’s not a good feeling when you almost missed the good pies.
Basically, I totally rely on Maps when I travel because it’s very helpful. I was really impressed with Maps when I first went to Japan. Then, a part of me felt obligated to provide correct information about some places in the Philippines. If I could share information that would be helpful for other travellers, I will. And I can, through Maps