I am noting a temporary glitch in the counting of the points. That’s because of the count of answers to the questions is becoming zero.
However, I guess that to be a server synchronisation problem and I have noted that in past several times.
I suggest you access your public profile by logging out of Maps. Then reach to any of your reviews and from there come back to Maps. You will find the points to be intact.
I verified that just now and confirmed.
And, here is an easiest way to find your points by clicking on this link
I just lost a lot of points. I got from level 7 to level 6. I just looked into my account and it says that I did ZERO answers. This is not right. I did lots of answers. My wife has the same problem. A few hours ago we both were level 7 and now we are 6 and all our answers are not there.
Can anybody help us?
It is strange, that here in the forum I can see that I am level 7.
I just lost a lot of points. I got from level 7 to level 6. I just looked into my account and it says that I did ZERO answers. This is not right. I did lots of answers. My husband has the same problem. A few hours ago we both were level 7 and now we are 6 and all our answers are gone.
The same just happened to me. Suddenly I got from level 6 to level 5. And my amount of answers is now ZERO. More than half my points are gone inexplicably.
Yes, minutes after it happened to you. As soon as I realized it, I tried to find an explanation and found this forum, then I saw you were having the same problem.
@LG_Kees due to Covid19, it seems there are also resources being diverted to other tasks - as you can see in the article mentioned here. I have no idea if this is related or not, and I have not seen any other posts mentionng huge losses of points, but one thing is clear: it’s not business as usual these days.
Salut,je viens de constater que le nombre de points de mon compte sur Google maps a été sensiblement réduit passant de 40004 à 28272 ainsi que le nombre des contributions aujourd’hui subitement.priere de vérifier cette anomalie qui n’encourage pas a persévérer dans cette voie de contributeur.
However, I experience this kind of snag many times.
The count of answers to the questions becomes zero suddenly. However, that restores after some time.
Further, in such cases, the guest mode always shows correct statistics. You can check that. To see that, logout from Maps. Then access any of your known reviews and from there access your profile.
But at one moment all the points and all my answers disappeared, now it shows 0 in statistics, I also want to say that this is not only my problem. (screenshot 1)
But the number of my answers is still displayed in my achievement sign (screenshot 2)
The new points are displayed on all platforms, even after logging out and re-login!
I was having more than 26000+ points with 10000+ contribution on Google map and suddenly when I checked it today, it suddenly goes to 19,993 points with only 3946 contributions.