No Gifts / Perks from Google

No Perks Received From Google after doing some good contribution. Can someone help me on this. Even my settings are also marked all preference.


Congratulation for your good contribution, @boteprasadpb

According to this thread (Add, edit, or delete Google Maps reviews & ratings ), “…your reviews and opinions are voluntary. We don’t pay reviewers to add reviews to Google Maps.”

So, you will not get gift/perks for contribution you’ve given.

You can read this thread (Question about a Local Guides reward email? Read this first ) for fun.


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Alright… Thanks for the information.

Then my question is how to be eligible to get those gifts and Perks.

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Check in this link, @boteprasadpb : Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions

Okay… cool so i have checked the given link… and i found that i wasn’t signed up for this and was just contributing without signed up.

So then now i have signed up for this program.

Hi @Bobiisha , can you please help me here. as i am already signed up for this program. But didn’t received any reward/ perks from google.

Hi @boteprasadpb

Regarding perks, gifts, and rewards, you can get them during the upcoming meetup in Kolhapur.

For this, I have sent you a message about it:

Please check the message here and respond to it.

